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We got home and i took baby snape out and walked up to the door and sat down and put him down and glared at him while he glared "mione how did this happen" my mum said i was about to answer but snape beat me to it "fucking longbottom couldent follow simple instructions" he said my mother was suprised at his language "professor snape what is your problem do not curse like that in front of my parents" i claimed "mrs granger i will speak how ever i want and to answer your question about my problem
IM A 40 YEAR OLD MAN STUCK IN THE BODY OF A FUCKING TODDLER" he yelled at me i pursed my lips and nodded "mum dad i will be back" i said and walked into the kitchen and came out with a cup of water and dumped it on him "what the fuck is your problem" snape asked "YOU are my problem" i screamed "im just a child" he said with mock innocence and i snapped "yeah except your not your a danm professor" i retorted while my parents just watched us fight "correct and as you pointed out i am a techer which means i can deduct points" he started "that is not what i meant" i interrupted "yes it is and 30 points from griffindor for disrespecting a teacher" he claimed "well im head girl so 70 points to griffindor" i yelled at him and he just glared at me "for what" he asked "for having the patience to deal with your bullshit" i retorted "you have been driving me crazy ever since you were put in my care" i started but my mum interrupted "mione baby calm down you both just need to stop arguing" she stated but i exploded "you wanna deal with him fine" i said picking him up and shoving him to my mom "in that case im going to have a walk before i have another panick attack and do not give him his wand" i said  as i slammed the door and walked out for a break

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