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"Oh mum i nearly forgot where is kitty i broght her a bunch of sweets from hogsmead" i asked "she is with brook doing homework at the park she will be back later" she said "ok she will be happy with this problem kitty loves babies" i said "kitty who is kitty" professor snape asked "my little sister her real name is catherin but all her friends call her kitty" i said as the door opened "mum im home" my little sister called "kitty" i screamed "mione i thought you weren't. Coming" she said hugging me "hey i told you after my 6th year i will always come home during the break unless i have a damn good reason not to" i said as she noticed professor snape "mione whos baby is that" she asked "i am not a baby i am just like this because fucking longbottom cant follow simple instructions" he said "i have asked you again and again not to curse" i said putting soap in his mouth and charmed his mouth shut and explained what happened to her "mione what is his name" she asked "severus snape" i said and fixed his mouth "now if you can refrain from cursing i wont do that again" i said then There was pecking at the window and the owl had a howler "um you guys might want to cover your ears" i said before mufflitoing the room "mione why" my mum asked "fine dont not my fault if your ears hurt after" i said opening it "HERMIONE JANE GRANGER HARRY TOLD ME AND I WAS HOPING HE WAS BLUFFING BUT I ASKED DUMBLEDORE I CANT BELIVE YOUR TAKING CARE OF SNIVELLUS HE BULLIED YOU AT YOUR FRINDS AND NOW YOUR TAKING CARE OF THE PEICE OF SHIT WRITE ME BACK IF I DONT GET A LETTER IN A WEEK I AM SENDING ANOTHER HOWLER AND YOU KNOW I WILL" sirus's voice boomed "mione one what was that and two who is snivellus" my father asked "answer one a howler and answer 2 i think professor snape should tell you its not my buisness to tell" i answered looking at the professor whose face was red but. Not from anger "professor snape i wont tell them if you dont want me to" i said kindly and he glared at me "how do you even know about that scenario, your parents were most likley still in muggle elamentry school" he said but then it dawned on him "potter" he asked "professor harry, ron and i made a pact we dont keep anything from each other" i said "he told us everything" i said "professor that single memory that harry told us about is why i was never able to look you in the eye anymore, because on the rare occation that i did i just heard that god awful name" i said "you can tell your parents about my memory" he said and i explained every thing and they gasped "mione jane kitty i have something to tell you" my father said what is it dad" i asked "ok first kitty you are adopted" he said "dad i already knew" she said "ok i will ask you more later but this is for all of you" he said "i am a squib" he said i stared at him and felt tears in my eyes "mione your a half blood" he said i cried angy tears "mione you ok" my father asked and i exploded "NO I AM NOT OK" i roared "why didn't you tell me sooner why did you let me belive i was muggle born" i cried "i was tormented because of my blood status" i started "mione baby calm down" my mom started "calm down, CALM DOWN" i yelled "my life was a living hell because this peice of shit let me think i was muggle born and i have the scars to prove it" i cried my moms eyes widened "hermione what do you mean by scars" she said. I grabbed my wand "finete" i daid taking the glamour charm of my arm my parents gasped "mione baby why didn't you tell us" my mom cried as she saw mudblood on my arm i scoffed "thats not even the worse that happened during the war these happened at school" i said taking the charm off my legs which revealed the words mudblood whore worthless stupid just die my mother hugged me "mione who did this, when did this happen" she asked crying "this happened my 6th year and i dont know who did it all i know is that it was an awful sltherin game" i said still crying "how did we not notice" my mother mumbled "im not an idiot mum i put a glamour charm" i said storming into my room and slaming the door and locking it and cried

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