Chapter 8

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It was torture for Harry. The boy wasn't the best at keeping secrets, but this was one he needed to commit to keeping to himself and he was literally trying so hard not to tell anyone. Because, Zayn was leaving and he couldn't stop him no matter how hard he tried.

And he definitely tried.

He did everything he could to stop him. He begged and pleaded and he even bribed the guy. Sadly, Zayn was stuck on staying out of the band. Harry understood why he was leaving, but he just didn't think it was a good enough reason to stop right away.

He kept trying to get him to understand he could stay until the end of tour. That maybe he could announce he's leaving, but he could also say he's staying until On the Road Again is over. It could give fans a chance to get money for the last tour and it just wasn't fair.

Harry was so depressed lately and he felt so ill also. For a while he wasn't too bad, but now he had that sick feeling again and it was really annoying. Because, he would be fine for a few days and suddenly he's sick, dizzy and nauseous and he tried blaming it for Zayn leaving. However, he was that way before too.

In the end, Harry did well with keeping the secret. When Zayn left for those couple days ('taking a break'), the boys didn't think much of it. They assumed it was just Zayn not feeling well and needing a breather since there were rumors of Zayn cheating, which he cleared up.

The thing is, Harry felt like those rumors were what also helped set off Zayn's needing to leave. He's never in a good light when it came to media and that's mainly because of modest. They always had to make the paparazzi put Zayn as this bad boy that would 'totally' cheat on his girlfriend and get into trouble.

Harry knew what Zayn was really like. Despite drinking, smoking and getting high, Zayn was a great and sweet guy. He only does those things to relax and Harry doesn't agree with his habits, but he won't let them define him. Louis gets high, Liam smokes sometimes and Niall is always getting drunk.

Either way, it was finally time for Zayn to tell the boys he's leaving and Harry wasn't ready for this. Zayn had called them up and they were all leaving the concert. Harry felt so bad, the boys looked so happy and like they were excited to have Zayn back for the tour.

Let's face it, they cannot sing Zayn's parts as well as the boy himself. Harry nearly had a heartache doing his note for Diana. It didn't help that he already felt ill. He was just not having a good past few weeks and the boys all seemed to notice, but now really knew what to say or do since Harry refused to go to the doctors.

The hospital is a place Harry is most afraid of. He couldn't stand the place and it wasn't the people or anything. He was a people person and anyone with eyes can see that. But, it's the setting. He didn't like the hospital smell, the realization that something could actually be wrong with him and a doctor could tell him he's dying and he didn't want that.

Even with Liam on his case about getting better for the fans. Sometimes that annoys Harry. He loves Liam a lot and he loves his fans, but he doubts Liam would be this concerned if they weren't on tour. It's more like Liam cared about the fans rather than Harry's actual health.

Despite this, Harry was able to get passed them nagging him and he acted like he was better. He took medicine and would hide it in his bag so the boys couldn't see. Which was easy considering he had his own hotel room. Soon, Niall will as well since Zayn's leaving.

The thought was depressing and Harry frowned as they pulled into the hotel where they were staying. He let out a small sigh and they exited the car, heads down as they were helped through the crowd. Harry occasionally stopped for some fans despite the guards trying to get him inside.

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