Chapter 7

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"So, how is Sophia and Eleanor doing?"

Harry fidgeted a bit, watching as Louis spoke of the girl. He was sat on the end of the couch and Louis was all the way on the other side with the two boys in the middle. Wow, Modest. As if that wasn't at all obvious that they were trying to keep the two apart.

He leaned back a little, biting his lip as he tried to keep a fake happy expression on. Zayn was in the hotel, saying he didn't feel well. It was a bit worrying since he's been disappearing a lot lately. However, the boys just gave him space since he felt like that was the best thing to do.

Still, he's been so off and Harry was sad. Because, they're close. Zayn and him are the two who have deep conversations and always honest with each other. Sure, Liam helps Harry with advice and Niall is who he goes to when he needs a laugh or to be uplifted.

But, Zayn was just there in general. For anything and everything. He was like his second Louis that he just never made out with. Aside from that one time when they were drunk, but that was a dare and neither counted it. It was when Zayn was questioning his sexuality during x-factor and was more of a playful thing.

Either way, Harry was worried about his friend. He didn't like how Zayn was so distant. He's been that way for months and is always being sad. He barely smiles unless he just got done spending time with Perrie or if he's onstage. Where he's truly able to be himself and let out everything that he's kept in.

As far as Harry knew, Zayn was okay. He didn't seem depressed, maybe just stressed. But, all the boys are and that's completely normal for any celebrity. They all have their breakdown moments. However, Zayn seems to have it a lot and that's worrying Harry.

A sigh left his lips and Harry suddenly felt a bit nauseous again. He grimaced, trying to calm down his body. He hasn't felt sick for a while, he had no idea why the sudden feeling was rising again. He was doing so well at keeping all his food down and not feeling unsettled.

However, as the interview went on, Harry was struggling so badly. He felt like throwing up all of a sudden and glanced at the interviewer. He shook his leg, swallowing every so often in hopes to make the urge go down. Only a couple more minutes, he thought to himself impatiently.

However, the minutes felt like hours. He felt Niall nudge him and give him a small look as if asking if he's okay. Honestly, he wasn't. Niall could see his face was pale and Harry was casually holding his hand to his mouth in hopes to hold back. But, it was just impossible.

Suddenly, the interviewer turned her attention to Harry. Which had the camera man do the same. She asked, voice perky and blue eyes lighting up,"So, Harry. Seeing as the other boys aside from Niall are taken, are you off the market or is there a special lady in your life?"

Much to Harry's dismay, his stomach churned and he frantically tried getting up to rush to a bathroom. But, he tensed, covering his mouth and a man rushed to get hi a bucket. However, Harry just emptied his stomach all over the floor and the boy's grimaced, Niall jumping up to move out of the way.

The Irish lad's face went green as he said weakly,"I-I gotta go, oh god. I can't --"

Harry felt so embarrassed, seeing his friend run off and people around look disgusted. Sadly, the puke was on his jeans as well and he grimaced as he felt tears prickle his eyes. He covered his face with his hands, mumbling a million apologies as the interviewer walked off in disgust.

There was a hand on his shoulder and he saw Liam giving him a sympathetic look. Harry frowned and smacked his lips slightly at the taste of throw up on his mouth. Liam helped him up and hesitated before leading him out of the interview stage and towards the bathrooms.

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