Warriors: The Story of Shadowpelt Part 1

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Shadow crept up slowly on a mouse. The mouse was nibbling on a seed. As the mouse finished the seed, Shadow pounced on it, and finished it with one blow of his paw. Shadow buried his prey, so he could come back for it later. As he finished burying his prey, he saw a vole run into a small hole in the ground. Shadow slowly walked up to the hole, placed his paw in it and swiped at the vole. He missed it. Then, he tried again, this time killing the vole. Shadow took it out of the hole, and buried it close to the mouse. Once he finished burying it, he thought he'd take a walk along the river that he spotted. While walking towards the river, he saw more cats. One of the cats, a muscular, dark brown tabby tom, spots Shadow, and runs toward him. He springs in the air, and lands on Shadow, causing Shadow to lose balance and fall on the ground. Then, Shadow unsheathes his claws, and rakes them across the tabby tom's belly. The tom cat yelps in pain, and when he does, Shadow pushed him off and stood back on all fours. Shadow hisses at the cat, and says, "Who are you? Why did you attack me?" The tom replied, "you trespassed on my land! You shall pay!" A golden tabby she-cat, with dark spots, walked up on these two cats. "What is going on here? Hawkfrost, what happened?" Hawkfrost looks at the cat, and says, "Leopardstar, this cat attacked me." Shadow was shocked. Hawkfrost lied. Shadow was attacked by Hawkfrost, he wasn't attacking Hawkfrost! He lets out a hiss of rage, "I didn't attack him, in fact, HE attacked ME!" "Leopardstar, I was trying to protect our Clan from this cat. Look at him! Any cat would think he's dangerous, no doubt about it," says Hawkfrost. Another she-cat walked up, blue-gray fur, and she was well-muscled. The she-cat says, "Leopardstar, Hawkfrost, why are you two by the river, chatting? Shouldn't you, both, be back at camp?" Leopardstar looks back and forth at Shadow, Hawkfrost, then the other she-cat. Leopardstar replies back, "Mistyfoot, shouldn't you be attending to your own duties?" The cat, Mistyfoot, says "of course, but considering you're the Leader, and, I, the Deputy, you should be helping me. I am new at the deputy role, don't you remember? You were once a Deputy, so I figured I would come and find you, then ask for help." Mistyfoot looks at Shadow. "By the way, what is he doing here?" Shadow defended hisself, "I was hunting, then took a break, and I was just taking a walk by the river, then this mouse-brained cat decides to attack me!" "You shouldn't have crossed our territory!" Yelled Hawkfrost. Leopardstar hisses, "quiet! If you're both telling the truth, then I agree, that you shouldn't have attacked this cat for no reason. But, I also agree with Hawkfrost. You," she points her tail at Shadow, and continues, "shouldn't have crossed on our territory." "I don't know what you're talking about. I come from a group of cats, the Rogues," explains Shadow. Leopardstar stares at him in shock, and says, "you should leave. But, if you do come back, I give all cats in my clan permission to rid of you." "But-" Shadow starts, then Leopardstar cuts him off, "Go!" Shadow walks away, grabbing his prey along the way. He walks through the forest, afraid of what might happen next. Shadow walks back to the group of Rogues. He wanted to leave them. To join the forest cats' lives. In fact, it seemed much more better than his life as a Rogue. As he reached the Rogues, he set the prey down, and took a seat. His best friend, Ash, sat beside him. His friend asked, "where have you been, Shadow?" "Oh, nowhere. Just hunting," is all Shadow could reply. He didn't want to tell any cat, not even Ash, about the forest cats. As Shadow was about to eat his prey, he was startled by Fang. Shadow jumped up, his neck fur bristling. Fang chuckled and said, "scared, Shadow?" Shadow looked down in embarrassment. Fang looked down at the prey Shadow had brung, "oh, is that for me?" There was a smirk on Fang's face. "I'm sure you don't need the food." Fang picked up both pieces of prey, and walked away. "Great, now I'm hungry," says Shadow. He knew he had to leave this place. Find a better place to stay. With the forest cats. "Ash, I need to talk to you. In private," whispered Shadow. "Sure," Ash said, while following Shadow to a more private spot. "Whats up?" Shadow made sure no one was listening, then explained about what happened with him and the forest cats. "I-I am going to leave tomorrow. I can't stay here, knowing Fang is here, and he could do something bad any moment now. Ash, you can come with me. You don't have to. It's up to you." Ash looked at him, and he was shocked of everything that Shadow just told him. "I can't believe this. Yes, Shadow, I'll come with you!" Shadow felt tons of excitement creep in. He couldn't wait to be with these cats now! The two cats decided they'd have a rest before leaving in the morning. The next morning, Shadow was awoken by Ash. "Good morning! Time to leave," whispered Ash. Ash and Shadow snuck out of there, and started to leave. The two cats both caught a couple of voles, and a squirrel. Then, the river came into sight, causing Shadow to change which way he was going. Ash pointed at something in the distance, "how about this way? Looks like something is up ahead!" Shadow was even more excited, now that they were nearing something. Three cats appeared in front of them, a well-muscled tom, with a flame-colored pelt, a muscular, long haired gray tom, and a beautiful, pale ginger she-cat. The flame-colored pelt tom, whispered something to his friends. Then, he spoke aloud. "Cats, you look like you're not from around here. Maybe-" the she-cat cut him off, "what are you two doing here?" Then the gray tom spoke, "hey, why don't you let the newcomers speak?" "Very well," replied the other tom. Shadow cleared his throat, and spoke himself, "cats of the forest, we come from a group of Rogue cats, and I am Shadow. We have decided to leave the Rogue cats. They are no good, all of them stealing prey from me, and my friend, Ash. We came here seeking new shelter, hoping you would take us into your group of cats." "Shadow, I am Firestar, Leader of Thunderclan, and this is my mate, Sandstorm, and my best friend, Graystripe. I will talk it over with them, whether we will let you in or not," Firestar turned to them, and started whispering. "Alright. We agree that we could use some new warriors." Firestar walked up to Shadow, face-to-face, and said, "but, if you try anything, and I mean ANYTHING, I will rid of you, and your friend." Shadow gulped and said, "so, we can stay?" "Yes." Ash blurted out, "where do we stay? How many other cats are there, are there any more female cats?" Firestar chuckled and just replied, "follow me. Not too much farther now. And yes, there are more female cats," Firestar smiled and walked to camp.

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