Chapter Seven

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They waited until the ambulance leaves before they head back towards their house. Shortly after, the ambulance leaves.

While they were walking back home, Russell stays quiet and thinking.

"Is everything okay Russell?"

Russell glances at his wife.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, you seem so quiet."

"It's nothing."

"Is it because I stopped you from checking the  incident before?"

"No. Not at all."

Russell then put his arms around Amber and faces her.

"Look, I only felt bad that' all."

"For who?" Amber then lets go of Russell, and hurries inside the house.

"For you, Amber."

"Then why haven't you opened your mouth since I told you to stay with me?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Russell replies then quickly follow his wife in the house.

Amber tried her best to ignore his question, but Russell gets a hold of her arm.

"What's going on?... Hymn?

"It's just... You have been out for so many days and I thought if you did go; and check on that person; you probably had to go with them and get stuck at work again."

"Oh Amber. I'm sorry."

"I don't want to be alone right now. Especially in times like this." Amber says, then touches her stomach slightly.

Russell grabs her and wrap his arms around her.

"I'm so sorry Amber. You are very important to me, but I also have an obligation as a doctor. I hope you understand me."

Amber just let out a sigh and nods in front of Russell without looking at him.

"I don't like to argue with you about my work." He added.

"I know." She replied.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"I understand you Amber."

They had lunch and work around the house the rest of the afternoon. By dinner time, Russell notices Amber sleeping in the bed. He did not want to disturb her, so he just closes the door a little bit. He decides to wait for her until she wakes up to have dinner, but both of them slept through the night.

The next morning, Russell wakes up and looks around to see if Amber is awake. He did not see her anywhere from the living room. So he gets up from where he was laying and checks up in the bedroom. He sees Amber still laying in bed. He feels her head to see if she has a fever. He didn't think she had a fever; so, he tries to wake her up. 

"Amber, wake up."

Amber still did not wake up, so he got worried.

"Amber, wake up." 

He tries to pinch one of her fingernails to see if she will react to the pain. He heard her moan, so he was relieved. He knows he has to go to work, but he feels bad living Amber alone like this. So, he calls his work to tell them he couldn't come today because of Amber.

He calls one of his colleagues who works as a gynecologist in the same hospital where he works. Once he got a hold of him, he made an appointment for his wife. Amber finally wakes up just a little after ten in the morning. She touches her head and see if she's able to get up. Russell walks inside the bedroom and sees his wife struggling to get out of the bed. He immediately walks up to her to help her. 

"Amber, let me help you get up. Hold on still."

"What are you doing in here?"

"Don't worry about me. Let's just get you up from the bed. Are you able to?"

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. By the way, I made an appointment for you with a friend of mine. He is able to squeeze us in such short notice."

"What kind of a doctor?"


He helped Amber to the shower, then assist her with dressing. Soon they were out the house to see the doctor. While they were driving, Amber notices Eric is walking towards his house, then she glances towards her husband. They arrived at the hospital and went straight to the doctor's office. In the office, there were a bunch of women waiting to be seen. They notice Russell more than Amber. 

Russell checks Amber in and waited outside. The doctors gives them the news. Amber is not pregnant. When she and Russell left the office, she still was not feeling good.

After they arrived at their house, she decides to use th ebathroom. Just when she's about to clean up herself, she notices a blood. There she knew, she was not pregnant. She cried in tears and stayed in the bathroom for awhile.

"Amber, is everything okay?" Amber stays silent.

Russell thought maybe she did not hear him; so, he asks her again.

"Amber, is everything okay?" Finally, Ambers decide to reply to him. 

"I'll be right out... Just give me a moment."

When she opens the door, Russell was sitting in the bed across the bathroom, waiting for her. He looks at her and studies her.

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?"


"C'mon Amber. Please tell me."

"I don't want to talk about it."


"There's no need for us to talk about it. That's all." Replied Amber then walks out of their bedroom.

Russell got up and look to see what happened inside the bathroom and there was nothing in there at all. He followed Amber to the living room.

"Amber, I thought if there something wrong with each other, we promised to let each other know. Remember?"

"Do I have to tell you everything?" She said it with a tone.

Russell was hurt at the moment she said those words. But he did not let it bother him. He is more concern of Amber right now more than his own. He tried speaking to her after that night, but she seems more aloof afterwards. She will only talk to him with other things, but the things that matters more to him about her, she ignores.

They were husband and wife still after all. They go to places and visit friends during birthdays and holidays, but to him; whatever happens that night to Amber is still a mystery to him. Four more years had passed by and during those times, he focused his mind to his work, he was afraid to find out what changed Amber's after that night. Before, when he comes home, Amber is so excited to see him. Now, she stays more in her shop. Her business had grown and he admired her for that. To Russell, it did not matter how he's wife treats him, as long as they are still together, because he loves her so much. There will be no other woman in this world can make him feel that way.

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