Hopeless Romantics

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Chapter Fifteen


After waiting a good ten minutes behind the pharmacy, Maria called Charlie, explaining the situation we were in. A few minutes later, Charlie pulled up.

Maria got into the passenger seat, while I climbed into the backseat.

Charlie pulled out, driving back to the apartment complex. "Alright, I don't mean to sound abrupt or anything, but I need to get something clear, is there anything between the two of you?"

Instantly, I could feel my face reddening with embarrassment. Was it really that obvious I was struggling with certain feelings for Maria?

Maria also seemed to be tripping over what to say. "What? No, I wouldn't say that,"

Charlie glanced in the rear-view mirror, a tell-tale smile playing at their lips. "Mhmm, sure, that makes sense. Because I totally don't sense any kind of tension between the two of you that would cause one of you putting themselves into danger for the other,"

I look down, blushing furiously. How genius of Charlie waiting to say something while we were in a moving car. I glance up, looking towards Maria. Her head was also down, as she played with a loose thread on the car seat.

"I think your lack of response is my answer," Charlie muttered in a satisfactory way, while turning into the community of apartments.

We pulled up by Charlie's apartment and got out. Charlie unlocked the door, gesturing us in, but Maria shook her head. "We'll be in, in a second,"

Charlie nodded, heading in.

I raise an eyebrow at the comment. "How come?"

"Did you not hear what Charlie said in the car?"

I bit the inside of my lip.

Maria twisted on of her rings a bit, as if adjusting it. "So, uhm, I see you wear the ring I gave you,"

I look at the silver ring, a fond smile coming to my face. "I will love you for all eternity, how come you chose that one?"

"Because, it's sentimental. I thought you were the perfect person to have it, and because I will always owe you a debt,"

"No, you don't owe me anything. I was simply being kind to you,"

"Everyone can choose to be kind, but not a lot want too. Especially when it concerns a criminal like me,"

"Yeah, but maybe I care for you, and not in just a generous hospitality kind of way,"

She looked to the ground, shaking her head. "That's the problem, Cas. You've known me for what, three days now? How can you be so sure?"

"Don't you? Don't you feel anything in the slightest?" it felt as though I might begin to cry.

Maria looked up, her mouth trembling slightly. "Of course I do, but, I care about Diego. And I care about Charlie. I care for you three because all of you have been so kind to me, and I could never repay you,"

"Don't say that. You don't ever need to repay me, and if you really are determined to, please just answer me this one question. Do you love me?" I went on a limb by asking the bold question.

She hesitated. "No. Love is just an illusion, and I'm smart enough to not fall for it. I hope you won't fall for it either," Maria turned, and walked into Charlie's apartment.

A tremble went through me, as I attempted to choke back a sob.


Maria and I didn't speak. We didn't even glanced in each other's directions. And it burned. I had no idea what to say to her, and I didn't care to speak to her. But at the same time, I wished she'd at least say something to me.

"Hey, uhm, are you spending the night, because if you are, I need to know if I should wash some spare sheets for the pull out couch," Charlie asks.

I shake my head. "Don't worry, I'll be leaving soon," the only reason I hadn't left yet, was because a small part of me said I should stay. Just in case there was anything I wanted to tell Maria, or if she did eventually say anything to me.

"Oh, you're leaving?" Maria stepped out of the room she was staying in.

"Yeah, I figured I shouldn't bother you any longer, I mean, wouldn't want me to be in danger for any longer than I need to," the words were stiff, cold.

"Of course, wouldn't want that,"

Charlie let out a low whistle. "I obviously set something off," it was barely audible.

"I guess I'll leave now," I mutter, escorting myself to the door. I walk down the side of the streets, heading back to where I had parked my car.

It still sat there, untouched. Of course, I hadn't expected anyone to steal it, but I guess you never know. I click the unlock button, about to open the door.

"Cas, wait!"

I glance up, seeing Maria jogging towards me. I walk back around my car, walking quickly towards her. "What are you doing, someone could see you," I warn.

"Don't leave," she stops in front of me.

"Why not?"

"Because, I...I suppose you could say that yes, I do deeply care for you. I wouldn't call it love, we hardly know one another. But perhaps, one day we can be lucky enough to call it love,"

A wide grin creeps onto my face. "I thought you said love is an illusion,"

"I never said it wasn't, this time I'm just going to let myself fall for this amazing kind of illusion,"

I couldn't help myself. I threw my arms over her shoulders, resting my forehead on her shoulder.

She wrapped her arms around my waist. "So where do we go from here?"

"I don't care, as long as I am with you,"

"You're such a hopeless romantic," she laughs.

I pull away slightly to look at her. "Perhaps,"

"I think I have an idea," Maria began.

"What is it?"

"I doubt we're safe here any longer, I think we should head off, to Arizona,"

I step back, processing it. "Okay, where would we stay?"

"Somewhere remote, somewhere where we can stay low,"

"Okay, we can take my car then,"

"I guess I'll go get my stuff and say goodbye to Charlie,"

"Wait, what about whoever you were supposed to meet up with?"

She shrugs. "I guess we weren't meant to meet up,"

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