this not a chapter but yah just a motivation *maybe*

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Idk why am I making this chapter but yah just wanna tell you that you are beautifull yes ,you ! Always make sure you keep your vibes high because your most likely to get results faster  and better

What's holding you back to shift ?

Your family ,your friends  idk but i think you can take them with you in your DR idk don't believe me im not sure tho

BUT really ?you've come so far now not many people know about subs,

BUT  for some reason you got to know about it

NOT many sub users don't believe in DR

*most of them haven't even done a proper research yet *

   but   YOU    atleast  know about them and now your QUITTING?  SERIOUSLY?  

AFTER coming so far?

Your LOVED ONES  in your DR is waiting for YOU

NOW, its your choice to live in this , your current reality             OR 

                 THE REALITY    which you dream of on every math class ,

when your in bed at end of day and thinking
"i wish i had this -I wish I had that -I wish this could happen - I wish I was born there "


the CHOICE is YOURS coz only YOU can do i it for YOURSELF  no one else can do it for you .

Sorry if I made your vibrations low but I hope you are not being held by anything now coz my mission was to set you free 🔮🌌🔮  

Why this song tho?    

Coz i don't want you guys to get all serious reading this ?


idk either 😂

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