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This is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART !!and you HAVE TO!!DO IT PROPERLY !!If you don't know what's scripting yet ,it's basically writing down your DR and it can be anything like literally ANYTHING ,anime world, game world , you being a kpop star just ANYTHING! !

I think if you don't script well and miss out some important things you'll regret it.

Nahh I'm just KIDDING


AM I ?

OKAY anyway enough of my lame jokes let's get to the point

These words are not by me --

How To Script Properly".

Before I start I want you to know that it is NOT a must to script in the ways given in this post.

These are just some ideas on scripting that helped me a lot and that I

would like to share with you all. 💜

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✎﹏﹏﹏01. Gathering ideas﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏

Before starting to actually script out your desired reality you should ask yourself some of the basic questions like for example:

➶ What is your dr like?

➶ When and where does it take place?

➶ Is it based on a book/ movie/ anime/ manga/
webtoon/ comic or is it all made up by you?

➶ Is it fantasy or real life based?

➶ Who are you going to be in your dr?

↬ A prince/princess?
↬ A singer or songwriter?
↬ A famous youtuber?
↬ A movie director?
↬ An actor/actress?
↬ An Anime character?
↬ Someone already existing?

(e.g. Ariana Grande/ IU/ Whoever you want)
↬ ....

➶ What is your family like?

↬ Are they rich?
↬ Are they famous?
↬ How many siblings do you have?
↬ Where do they live?

↬ Why is your family the way it is?
↬ Do they have a tragic history?
↬ ...

➶ Etc.

You can write down your ideas until you think that you have enough ideas to start with the actual scripting.


✎﹏﹏﹏02. Starting To Script﹏﹏﹏﹏

Depending on what you want to script you can use different types of scripting for better organisation.

Here are some types of scripts:

『••✎••』The Timeline

This is one kind of scripting that I would reccoment doing before starting with the more important and more detailed scripts.

In this one you basically pick an in your dr self life's important event or scenario and write down the (if possible) exact date. You can also write some facts (in bullet points) you need to know for that event.

 MY DESIRED REALITY JOURNEYWhere stories live. Discover now