Wakiya cottage part 3

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Everyone had arrived at the cottage and Naomi, Silas, Cuza and free were shocked.

Naomi - no mlchega nor near chalet

Cuza - really

Silas - This boy is exaggerated

They enter and the butler appears

Tsujihara - be all welcome

Naomi - Butler?

Wakiya - why not, this place needs to have someone, right?

Cuza - You're Right

Silas - where are the rooms?

Naomi is in front of everyone

Naomi - as we would stay for a week we will split the rooms

All - what !!

Wakiya - this place belongs to me then

Naomi - I have a reason to ta doing it so

Cuza - I do not know why people are like this, it's going to be better but it's better than being alone

Naomi - that's it then let's go

They go up to the rooms

Naomi - It's going to be like this.

She looks at everyone

Naomi - shu and valt the obvious iram divide the room

Wakiya - Congratulations to them

Naomi - Cuza and Silas

Cuza - cool as in bcsol

Silas - I deserve it

Naomi - Wakiya and Rantaro

Wakiya and Rantaro - what !!?

Wakiya - are you going crazy !?

Rantaro - What I did to deserve this

Naomi - Toko and nika

Toko - I already imagined

Naomi - I'll spare, free and I'll give one of us alone

Cuza - free can come with us we will stay in three

Rantaro - daigo comes with us

Valt - in this case Naomi stayed with us

Naomi - no thanks I'll get Toko and nika will be strange born to see her in the middle of you two there

Wakiya - I fully agree

Shu - it's decided

Everyone goes to the rooms to keep their things.

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