Chapter 4

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It has been seven months since he started courting me, and today is our fourth monthsary as a REAL couple. Yes, I already gave him my magical "yes" after courting me for three months.

Who would have thought that we will end up as a real couple after all the pretentions? You really have to expect the unexpected.

"Happy Monthsary Baby!" He greeted me and kissed my cheek.

I smiled. He's always been like this. He's giving me flowers and roses every monthsary with a card saying how much he loves me.

I really thought that he's going to be my last. That this love will last forever, because I really wanted him to be my finish line. My end game.

...Not until our 5th Monthsary.

"Happy Monthsary!" I happily greeted him and hugged him. But this time.. he didn't hugged me back which is weird, because it's almost a habit of him to hug me.

He glanced at his wristwatch before looking at me.

"Err .. baby I have to go. I forgot that I have to visit my aunt. She's really sick right now. I hope you understand."

My smile promptly faded. We're not even celebrating yet. He's not even greeting me back and now he's leaving?

But I don't want to be selfish, so I just faked a smile and nodded my head. He kissed my forehead before leaving me with all the questions I couldn't voice out.

It wasn't long before I noticed that I'm already crying.


I went home and cried my heart out after that heartbreaking scene. I'm not over reacting or what, because it really hurts.

Why won't he greet me? That's the very least he could do for me.

I didn't text him for two days. He didn't even bother to text me either. Something's not right is happening, and I need to know what that thing is.


I decided to go to the nearest mall to indulge myself. I need this. I shouldn't isolate myself in my room.

I visited every shop in the mall looking for something nice to buy when I saw a couple holding each others hands in front of me. I smiled with the sight of them.

I am facing their back, so I didn't get the chance to see their faces.

Justin... We used to be like that.

Justin and I used to be happy, and so inlove. But now.. it seems like he's a world away from me. He's very distant now.

He's with me, but he's really not.

I smiled bitterly with the thought of how much things had changed. I was about to turn my back on them when they both turned around to face me. Pain enveloped my heart.

"Justin.." That's the only thing that I could utter at that very moment.

The shock in his face was very palpable. My eyes welled up with tears.

"Love, who is she?" asked the girl beside him.

Love? Wow. Now he got another lover right here infront of me. Great.

I stared at Justin as though I was waiting for him to say something. Atleast an explanation, beacuse I deserve that. I deserve every inch of it.

But he didn't say anything.

"Me? Don't mind me. I'm JUST his Bestfriend. I WAS his bestfriend, because now? It's over." I firmly said before turning my back on them and ran away.

It hurts so bad. How could you Justin?! Damn! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Of all the people who would have ripped me into shreds.. why does it have to be you?

Now I know why he'd been very distant lately. Why he started to change. Why the sweet messages and stuff vanished.. it was all because he got another lover now.

They're right.. Nothing lasts forever.

There's no such thing as forever. I was so stupid to believe that we could be an exemption. That maybe we could have a happy ending.

Everyone's good in making promises only to break it in the end.

I did my best in our relationship. I gave him my all. Was I still lacking?

Why did he have to cheat? If he's not happy anymore.. he should've just broken up with me. He didn't have to cheat! He could've tell me he love someone else now and I'll set him free!

[Author's Note: Please don't forget to vote One Last Cry and comment for suggestions. I'll be really grateful to read your comments and suggestions. Thank you! :)]

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