Chapter One

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"Boy! Get down here!" Uncle Vernon shouts. I yawn and stretch. All of a sudden, my entire body starts hurting. And by hurting, I mean it feels like I'm being torn apart and put together in a whole different way. I feel something unlock inside me and my body changes completely. I make a full-length mirror appear. I bite my lip to keep from screaming when I see what's changed: I have a feminine hourglass figure, high and pronounced cheekbones, long blond hair, ice blue eyes, an aristocratic face, and my scar disappears. I'm...a girl. And yet... it feels more natural than when I was a guy. I look like a fourteen-year old version of...Narcissa Malfoy? My clothes look and feel uncomfortable, and honestly are unsightly, so I think about it for a moment before Transfiguring them into a black, knee-length dress. I Transfigure an old pair of sneakers into a pair of strappy heels and slip them on.

I stalk out of my room and down the stairs, balance naturally coming to me. Vernon does a double take. I quickly put some charms onto it to make it weightless and practically bottomless and put my shrunken trunk into my purse. "Seeing as I'm not welcome here, I'm going to go. Bye!" I walk out with my purse over my shoulder. Slamming the door behind me, I sigh and blink away the morning sun. I think I handled that rather well. Arabella Figg has a floo-connected fireplace, doesn't she? I speed-walk to Ms. Figg's house and am immediately repulsed by the smell. Like cats and boiled cabbages. Speaking of, my senses appear to be greatly heightened. I'll have to remember to bring that up with Griphook. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Arabella opens the door and her eyes widen.

"Who are you, ma'am?" Ms. Figg asks, trying to pretend she has no clue who I am. I roll my eyes discreetly.
"Ms. Figg, do you have a Floo-connected fireplace I could use?" I ask coldly. Her eyes widen and she nods. She holds open the door for me and I nearly choke on the smell. I try to maintain my composure and put on a disinterested mask.
I nod to her and, taking a handful of powder, I throw it in, step in, and call out in a clear voice: "Diagon Alley."
I find myself in the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron. I brush myself off quickly and stand. Walking out, I breathe a sigh of relief at having not been swarmed but then remember I'm completely different. And yet...this feels so much more natural than when I was a guy. I tap the right brick with my wand and walk into Diagon Alley. The busy and bustling crowd makes me smirk. I can't believe I hated attention before. I stalk through the streets and a few eyes land on me. I flip my hair over my shoulder and walk into Gringotts. The goblins all look up at me and then turn back to what they're doing. I walk up to the desk and the goblin behind it looks up.
"Hello, madame. I see you've gotten my letter?" The goblin, Griphook, says and I shake my head.
"I've received no such letter. But, as this," I gesture at myself, "just happened this morning, I decided I should get a blood test." I look disinterestedly at my nails. Which, might I add, are perfectly manicured.
"That's strange. We'll look into it. As for your blood test, here you go." He hands me a ceremonial dagger and I prick my finger, letting a drop of blood fall onto the proffered parchment. Immediately, words appear reading:

Forged birth certificate (shared with Wizarding public):
Name: Hadrian Jameson Potter - birthdate - July 31
Blood type: half-blood

Child: Hedwig Potter (via adoption)
Mother: Lily Rose Potter née Evans - dead
Father: James Harry Potter - dead
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black - in hiding
Godmother: Remus Grim Black nèe Lupin - in hiding

Real birth certificate (hidden by request of Albus Dumbledore):
Name: Catalina Hela Malfoy - June 5

Age: 16

Blood type: pure-blood

Child: Hedwig Malfoy (via adoption)
Mother: Narcissa Catalina Malfoy - alive
Father: Lucius Draconis Malfoy - alive
Brother: Draconis Abraxas Malfoy - twin - alive
Godfather: Rodolphus Bartemius Lestrange - alive
Godmother: Bellatrix Lara Lestrange - alive

Godbrother: Neville Benedict Lestrange - alive - Primary Heir Lestrange
Titles: Master of Death, Dark Lady, Heir Malfoy - shared with Draconis Malfoy, secondary Heir Lestrange [should anything happen to Neville Lestrange] - shared with Draconis Malfoy, Lady Potter, Heir Black - shared with Draconis Malfoy

90% core block - keyed into Albus Dumbledore
Glamour and Magical Trace - broken - keyed into Albus Dumbledore
Blocks on:
Parselmagic - 100% - keyed into Albus Dumbledore
Parseltongue - 50% - keyed into Albus Dumbledore

Creature Inheritance block - 100% - keyed into Albus Dumbledore


Loyalty charm - to anyone with a Light affinity - keyed into Albus Dumbledore


Love potion - to Ginevra Weasley - enabled at 16 - keyed into Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley


Hatred hex - to anyone with a Dark or Gray affinity - keyed into Albus Dumbledore

Inheritance - Veela; submissive; mate: Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort [dominant] - vampire

Potter - Lady
Malfoy - Heir
Black - Heir
Lestrange - Heir [should anything happen to the Primary Heir]

I blink a few times and look up at him. "Well, Miss Malfoy, I assume you'd like me to take off the assorted blocks?"
I nod slightly. "How much?" All magic comes with a price with the goblins. A/N: I love OUAT.

"We'll just charge it to your vault. On that subject, are you aware of the fact that there have been many charges to your account not made by yourself?" Griphook pushes a piece of parchment towards me. I accept it and my eyes widen as I read it.

Charges made:
1000 galleons - Albus Dumbledore - converted into muggle money - to pay Dursleys
10000 galleons - Albus Dumbledore - given to Molly, Arthur, Ronald, Ginevra Weasley, Hermione Granger
100 galleons - "Harry Potter" - allotted for school supplies
600 galleons - Albus Dumbledore - converted into muggle money for Dursleys
100 galleons - "Harry Potter" - allotted for school supplies
100 galleons - "Harry Potter" - allotted for school supplies

"He's paying them to be nice to me. And...the Dursleys to 'care' for me. I expected this but not to this extent..." I mutter angrily. I sigh and look at the floor for a second to compose myself.
"Is there a way I could cut him off from my vaults without him becoming suspicious?" I request through gritted teeth.
"Of course, Young Lady Malfoy. I'll have it done right away. Now, you wanted the blocks, charms, and hexes taken off?" Griphook stands and walks up to me.
I nod slightly and he gestures for me to follow him. Griphook leads me into a room with a plain raised pallet. He gestures for me to lay on it and I do so. He mutters some incantations and it honestly hurts like hell. But at the same time, it feels like parts of my magic are unlocking, becoming something more. Finally, he finishes and I stand.
He gestures for me to look in the mirror and I do. In addition to the fact that I look like Narcissa, who's apparently my mum, I also have fang-like canines and long, white feathered wings. It makes sense that the Malfoys are Veelas. I fold them against my back.

We walk back over to his desk and he sits in his seat again."Is there anything else?" I ask. He shakes his head and I smile. "May your gold ever flow.""And may your enemies fall at your feet, Ms. Malfoy," Griphook replies, slightly surprised that a witch would know the traditional greeting of goblins. I walk out and start heading towards Ollivander's when I see Dad and my brother. They don't see me so I keep walking. I stroll into Ollivander's and he looks up at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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