Saving the world

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Author's note: this chapter is kinda crappy, and I very, very, very, very sorry. I had ran out of ideas when adding some of my own parts of the story. Again, extremely sorry.

I couldn't think of anything to change some stuff, so some of the characters are a bit OC.

Real sorry. Please forgive me.


(Y/N)'s                P.O.V

"We must stop him from regenerating. Who opened that chest?" Evelyn asked Mr. Henderson and Mr. Daniels.  "There was me and Daniels here. And Burns, of course. And that Egyptologist fellow." Mr. Henderson said to her. 

"What about our buddy Beni?" Rick gestured him and I.  "No. He scrammed outta there 'fore we opened the thing." Mr. Daniels said.  "Yeah, he was the smart one." Mr. Henderson said after him.  "Yeah, that does sound like Beni to me." I commented, Rick nods agreeing with me.

"We must find the Egyptologist and bring him back to the safety of the fort...before the creature can get to him." Evelyn stated.  "Right. The girls stay here. You three, come with me." Rick ordered, I was the only one who was ok with the orders.

But everyone else had a disagreement but I could mostly hear Evelyn out of all of them.  "Just a minute. You can just leave us behind like some old carpet bag. Who put you in charge?" I was about to say something to convince her but Rick wasn't having it.

He lifted up me and her on his shoulders.  "O'connell, what do you think your doing?" Evelyn said, I just kept my head down, kinda embarrassed in this position I was in.  But I looked to the left seeing Evelyn hit her head on the top of doorway.

"Jonathan! O'connell!" Evelyn was yelling and trying to get out of his grip.  "Sorry, he's a bit...tall" Jonathan said when she hit her head.  Rick just threw us on Evelyn's bed and beings to head out the door.

"Coward that you are! O'connell, you are not leaving us in here." He shuts the door in her face, she starts to bang on the door.  With me sitting here calmly, I start to go calm her down for while she banged on the door.

"Evy, calm down. It's all alright." I said to her, she looked at me as if I was crazy.  "(Y/N), how can you be so calm when a corpse is after you?" She asked me.  "Well, to be honest, I don't know. Maybe because I know we'll be able to stop him." I said.

"But (Y/N), if we can't stop him, you're going to die!! How exactly are you excepting all of this?" I can see tears in her eyes, but I just hugged her and she hugged back, crying on my shoulder. 

"When I was ten, my father had died after protecting me and my mother.  She had asked the same question to him just before he died, and his answer was something we've held on to after that.  My mother had passed from sickness when I was fifteen, she said the exact same words to me before dying." I said to Evelyn.

"What were those words exactly?" She asked me while calming down.  "What they said to me was 'Because I'll bleed and fight for those that I care and love for, and I want you to never forget the bond that we have for each other.' And I've never forgotten those words." I said to her, with some tears going down my eyes yet I still smile.

"You're good person, (Y/N)." Evelyn kindly said to me, with a smile.  I hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go.  "Alright, since we don't have much to do, I'm going to get some sleep." I said to her, releasing from our hug.

"I think I'll be joining you, actually." She said.  Evelyn went to go change her clothes while I stayed in the room alone laying down on the bed, 'more likely if I do die, I'll be missing Evy and everyone if they manage to survive all of this.'

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