{Chapter 9: Monday}

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It's Monday. It means that the dare is officially over. Well, it was over yesterday, but still.

I sit on my usual place inside the bus, and I try hard not to look shocked as I find Soobin there. He smiles at me. "Hey."

"Okay, that's my line." I sit beside him. "You're early."

"I'm not." He chuckles. "Just right on time."

The whole bus ride is quiet, but not the awkward kind, which is a surprise. Usually I'd think of something to start a conversation, I'd ask how his weekend is, but knowing that he was with me last Saturday... It made me feel, I don't know, comfortable?

When we get off, I let him go first. I stop at the gates, but he looks back at me, and stops as well. Like he's waiting for me. I had no choice but to catch up and walk beside him. We'll see how it goes. I mean, I'm just walking with the most popular guy in school. Not a big deal, right?

Turns out it was a big deal.

Students stared at us, whispering inaudible things. Soobin looks like he's used to it. He walks casually, the usual hands-in-his-pockets pose, ignoring the curious stares of the people. I adjust my grip on my shoulder bag, looking at the floor. If there's one thing I'll never get used to, it's certainly attention.

A few meters away from our classroom all the chatters can be heard, but once we get there, everyone goes dead silent. All eyes were on us. I try not to glare as I find Beomgyu's little smirk.

I walk towards my usual seat, beside my mischievous-faced friend, and surprise, surprise, Soobin does the same too. Beomgyu gives us a knowing look.

"You're not going to replace me with him, are you?" He emphasises the him with distaste. The teacher enters, but the chatters doesn't fade. Soobin laughs.

"She might." He says, smiling. "I am best friend material."

Okay, that is just worse than friend! Beomgyu glances at me for a second and laughs nervously. I shake my head slightly. I already told him that I'm done liking Soobin. I mean, I might have cried and sobbed and bawled in the night I broke the news to him, but that wasn't important. Maybe. I don't know. I'm still working on it.

I give my attention to the whiteboard and the two guys beside me does the same. Although it's really hard to focus, seeing that Soobin is next to me.

A few hours passed and the next thing I know, the bell rings. I grab my bag, and turn to his seat, but he's already with Yeonjun. I guess he finally realises how boring I am
and decides to ignore me forever. I take my leave.

As I take a step outside, a hand pulls me back. A big one. I look back to see Soobin, a confused look displays on his face. "I know I'm annoying, but I'm not gonna let you escape that easily."

I blinked. "But I thought— you were... um, Yeonjun?"

"I told Yeonjun that I couldn't join them today. That I'm going to spend the day with you." He smiles shyly. "You didn't seriously think I was going to bail on you, did you?"

A gush of guilt waves upon me. I honestly don't know why I thought that he would do that to me. He's too kind and once he makes promises, he'll surely do it. As I return to reality, I look at my hand and back at Soobin.

"Sorry." He drops my hand. A blush appears on his cheeks, but it disappears in an instant. "So where do you usually eat?"

I can't believe Soobin hasn't visited the library yet! I mean, for two years, he admits that he's never once set foot in this precious library.

"The guys would always hang out in the student lounge," he admits. "So that's where I usually go."

I lead him to my favourite spot. On the second floor, at the edge of a long table near the windows. The whole field can be seen.

"Wow, the scenery is incredible."

"I know." But little does he know why this is my favourite seat in the whole library. Just outside the window is the view of the student lounge and right now I can clearly see Beomgyu and the guys. Yeah, I know I'm such a creep.

I take out my sandwich from my bag, and Soobin raises an eyebrow. "That's your lunch?"

"Um, yeah?" I say, taking a bite out of it. "It's tuna. It's delicious."

But he just laughs. What's so funny about a tuna sandwich?

"No wonder you're so thin," He says, still laughing. He grabs a lunchbox from his bag. "This is lunch."

He opens the container and I instantly catch the scent of meat and butter. Oh, I have to admit the smell made my mouth water. Soobin grabs his chopsticks and takes a small portion of the meat, then he places it in front of my face. I look at him like he's going crazy.

"Just take a bite." He orders.

I roll my eyes, but open my mouth anyways. Mmm! The beef is so good! He just watches me as I chew on. I ask. "Who cooked this? It's amazing!"

He shrugs. "I did."

Wow. Soobin, a great cook? There's literally nothing else I could ask for! He just stares at me, but his next move gets me frozen. He leans forward, his hand reaching for my cheeks.

Wait. I know where this is headed.

Soobin stops midway as I grab my handkerchief and wiped at my lips. "You know you could've just told me I had something on my face."

He sits back down, and shrugs. "I don't know. I just wanted to... Never mind." He starts eating his food.

Honestly, I'm so confused! The other day he tells me he thinks of me just as a friend, and now he's pulling of his teen-romance moves at me. I stare at my sandwich.

If I'm going to get over these feelings for Soobin, I need to get as far as I could away from him.

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