{Chapter 30: Surprise}

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"Am I too late for the party?"

Beomgyu looks over Yu-cheol's shoulder, eyeing the dark room, nothing but the light of the television illuminating the empty couch. She moves to block his view, a confused look on her face.

"Party?" She furrows her brows. "I-I'm sorry, who told you—" Then realizations hits Yu-cheol like a truck. "Oh."

Her, she thinks. The palm of her hand meets her face with a small slap. I'm sure the boys are a part of this, too. As her mouth opens, the phone inside her pocket vibrates.

Fashion Designer
Happy birthday, Cheollie!
I hope you enjoy your
present! 😉

I knew it. She forces a lopsided smile, unsure what to tell Beomgyu. "Um, actually. There is... no... party...?"

Beomgyu's face softens, actualization sinking in like a rock would on a pond. Suddenly, he thinks about the boys' strange actions earlier. It makes sense now, why they press him on to start the photoshoot early— so he could take the bait and fall to the trap.

"That's alright." He lets out a low, awkward chuckle. "Maybe I should go—"


It shocks them both, Yu-cheol especially. She quickly recovers, covering her embarrassment with humor. "Not before you greet me." She laughs, fiddling with the hem of her cat-printed pajama top. "Y-You can't just leave me without greeting me happy birthday, of course."

"Right." Beomgyu mentally face-palms himself. She's the reason why he came here, how could he forget? He snaps his head up as he lifts his arm and in his hand hangs a small orange paper bag. "I got you something."

Yu-cheol blinks, her lips parting in surprise when she feels the weight of the tiny bag on her palms. "You didn't have to." 

Yet the wide smile plastered on her face betrays her words. Her hands trace the black box inside. Her eyes blaze with anticipation, and finally, she unlocks the box.

A gasp escapes her mouth as she sees what's inside. She picks up the jewelry with such care, as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. A silver ring, structured to take the shape of a cat. She's speechless, she can't think of something to say, like a simple thank you wouldn't suffice.

"What?" Beomgyu's shoulders raise. "Not enough? Should I have done it on my knees?"

He assumes her to giggle and mutter a shy thank you. He didn't really expected an answer to that question, and he's right. She doesn't say a thing, but her actions does the talking.

He's caught off guard the moment he feels her arms around his shoulders. The hug lingers for a moment, and she whispers a thank you making Beomgyu's ears flush red.

"Happy Birthday, Yu-cheol."

"Are we there yet?" I ask as I look over the window.

We've been traveling for half an hour and I've been jittery ever since. Soobin chuckles lowly, his eyes forming into slight crescents and his mouth curling behind that mask. "Are you excited?"

I roll my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? Why can't you just tell me where we're going? It's killing me."

"Then it won't be a surprise anymore." It's his turn to roll his eyes. He waggles his eyebrows, sending a familiar spark to my spine when he grabs my hand. "I guess you'll just have to wait."

I missed this. I missed this. I missed him. I force myself not to flush, as the words repeat in my mind. If only I can will myself to say them.

Sometimes I forget that he's sassier than me. Sometimes I forget that he became my best friend. I make a small smile, remembering those three years that we've known each other... and the bitter three that followed.

Soobin looks over my shoulders, furrowing his eyebrows as if scrutinizing his surroundings. Then, his expression eases. He lets go of my hand, the warmth vanishing as he does. His gaze lands on me. "We're here."

"Cooler?" I ask, remembering what he told me earlier. "Gosh, your puns are worse that Yeonjun's."

Though I assured him that I could tie my own shoelaces, he insists that he does them. It's part of the dare, he explains. He beats me to it by kneeling in front of me, and now, tending to my shoes. Ice skating shoes, to be exact.

He pats my knee, signalling that he's finished. He stands up, I follow after him. My knees wobble, still unused to balancing my weight on two slim blades. I instinctively latch one arm to Soobin as I almost fall. Thank goodness I didn't wear a skirt.

"Whoa there," He laughs, sliding a supportive arm around my waist. "We're not even on the ice yet."

I don't even have the time to blush. I only focus on walking towards the rink, feeling like a newborn baby giraffe. I squeak. "No. I don't think I can do this."

"Relax." He says into my ear, his voice soothing the nervous energy in my chest. "You got me."

If it wasn't for Soobin's tall frame, I would've slipped the moment my shoes make contact with the ice. I look at the people around me, expertly gliding and dancing like birds would on air. How do they make it look so easy?

Soobin takes my hands, guiding me slowly to the center of the rink. My eyes keep darting to my feet, afraid that if I make one wrong move, I'd slip and fall. My irritation grows as a kid quickly slides past me with ease.

"Hey," We stop. Soobin keeps one hand locked on mine, and one under my chin, turning my face towards his. "Don't look at them. Focus on me."

He pulls down his face mask and I nearly scream. What-if questions run chaotically in my mind. What if someone recognizes him? Is he even concerned? The grin on his face says differently.

He begins to lead me again, this time I focus on his instructions, his eyes, and the calming warmth radiating from his hands. He grins proudly. "There you go. You got it!"

Is this a part of your plan, your dare, Soobin? Had he carefully thought this through? Because it's working. I'm definitely feeling something.

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