Chapter 3

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It had been a productive night and now he was hustling to finalize the scene. At one of his earliest murders he left his latex gloves on the dead girl's dresser. It was only by sheer luck that the detectives investigating the death mistakenly thought one of their own police officers had left the gloves. Now he had to be sure the staging was perfect. He checked and rechecked. He couldn't afford another mistake like that.

He had stalked this boy for weeks waiting for the right moment. The parents were gone for the week so the body shouldn't be discovered for days. But without adult supervision he knew one of the teenager's friends might stop by unexpectedly.

One boy's suicide is easy to fake. Two kid's deaths would be much more difficult to cover up.

So when there was a tap on the boy's window he didn't panic. He knew he had brought enough acid to dissolve the extra body.

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