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jisung's ;

i couldn't close my eyes and i felt like dying. even if i tried, i ended up sitting straight in my large and comfy bed, cussing at my mind for being so active at 2am. in five hours i had to get up and get ready for school, but something made me believe that i had to stay home.

the day before i went at nana's to check if he was recovering from the sudden high fever he caught. i was really worried, because he seemed so sick and quiet that i thought he wasn't nana anymore: probably that scared me lots, wow.

we were in bed together, facing each other. i was holding hands with him, as he wanted me to. he felt happy only by having me by his side and i was quite aware of that. his eyes looked for mine and were different. i couldn't help but looking at him. and that's when something definitely changed. i felt trapped in his chocolate eyes; his hands were stronger towards mine and his lips were getting closer to my face.

i swallowed my fear and i got up, excusing myself, grabbing my things. in the end i left the house.
is it wrong to say i was scared? like, really scared? jaemin hyung was my best friend, so i knew lots of things about him. when we were younger, he suddenly came out, admitting he liked guys. it was fine, because he was the same nana, the happy and cheerful boy i met in elementary school. i loved him, but he was being weird. was it the fever? maybe yes.

sighing, i realized it was 3.30am: i had to close my eyes, so i got under the sheets for the nth time and eventually fell asleep.


author's 🍂 :
sorry for this LATE update. i know i have a few readers, BUT i really want to write this story. this chapter is a whole point of view, so i hope you like it. the more you'll read and the more you'll understand! thank you for the little support you're giving me♡

little pills of us // jaemin x jisungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora