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jaemin's ;

colors and lights were covering each angle of the structure. the new pub was amazing and was getting popular day by day. i knew the bartender, so i could get drinks without showing my id. and so could sungie.

he had his eyes on the bluish drink he was sipping. he didn't seem drunk, but depression was about to crawl out of him and that was scaring me to death.

"you okay?", i asked.

"i am. don't worry",

i drank the third shot and i sighed, already regretting what i had in my mind. i entwined our fingers and i closed the two of us in the bathroom, where music could still be heard.

"you look sad and it's painful to see, y'know?"

he was my best friend and i couldn't stand him being lost and gloomy. at the same time i was blushing because he was too beautiful for me to see.

he asked me if i had the flu, because in his eyes i was reddish and i was hiding my fever. i had to change topic. my intention was to have fun and some alcohol would have helped the both of us. or so i believed.

he had puffy eyes and the pout on his lips was clear. we were inches apart and that situation was killing me from the inside. it really was... i felt the urge to kiss him. and i was about to do it, i guess.

"so, what's the occasion?", he asked suddenly, trembling, letting my hand go.


"why did you do this? why are we here? what if someone sees me here, in this gay place?",

"you... you said you were moody and-",

"i don't feel at ease. can't we just go back home?",

"we've been here for like... twenty minutes? what the hell, sungie? are you serious? it's just a fucking pub",

everything was wrong. i got mad at him for being moody and i was getting impatient for his answers. moreover i was scared of what happened a few days before; what if he hated me?

"i'm... nothing. nothing. i'm going home because i don't want to be in this stupid queer pub. have fun alone".

and he clearly left. he left me alone in that bathroom, not caring about how he hurt me.

i sat on the floor, trying to stay calm. and of course i failed, because i ended up crying all the tears i had that night.

little pills of us // jaemin x jisungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora