Chapter 25: Christmas Eve Ball

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Chapter 25: Christmas Eve Ball

(Alec's POV)

It's been a month since Raven and I started dating and taking our relationship slowly has been going very well. Although I'm personally ready to move a little faster. However, I don't make any moves because Caius is already trying to find reasons to kill me.

It's really hard dating the daughte king.

I looked at my watch waiting in the garden for Raven. According to Jane we had three hours together before Raven had to get ready for the garden.

"Hay Alec," Raven said sitting by me.

"Back to renaissance dresses huh?"

Raven pouted a little, "don't tell Jane." I laughed.

"Ok," I said, "it'll be our secret. Besides I prefer the renaissance dresses."

Raven smiled brightly and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Before she could pull away, I grabbed the back of her neck and deepened the kiss. Raven wrapped her arms around my neck while I placed my free hand on her waist. We continued to kiss and eventually I pushed her back into the grass. I got on top of her making sure to keep my weight off her.

I broke the kiss for a moment to look into her eyes which had darkened. I was sure mine did too.

"So what's the special occasion?" she asked referring to the kiss.

"I'm thinking an early Christmas present," I smiled. Raven giggled and pulled me back into a kiss. I licked her bottom lip asking for permission. She hesitated for a moment then parted her lips. Raven tasted amazing and I enjoyed exploring her mouth.

"I like it so far." She said between kisses. Raven had dug her hands into my hair holing me in place and I didn't have any objections.

As we continued to kiss I moved my hand from her waist to her breast earning a moan from her. I broke the kiss and moved down to below her ear. I licked and peppered kisses up and down her neck. My reward was her beautiful giggle. Raven had moved her hands to my chest and started unbuttoning my shirt.

'Hell ya!' my subconscious yelled. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. I returned to her mouth and pulled her in for a deep kiss. I slowly moved my hand from her breast down her body and stopped at her thigh. I moved my hand up and down her thigh pulling up her dress in the process. I was so close to feeling her skin when a clearing of the throat made us break apart and look over.

'I'm a dead man.'

Of all the vampires in this castle it had to be Caius who walked in on us glaring daggers at me.

"Father!" Raven said surprised pushing me off her. I didn't object because I was too busy fearing for my life.

When Caius spoke he was still staring at me, "am I interrupting something?" he hissed.

"N-No" Raven stuttered standing, I followed, "Alec was just giving me an early Christmas present."

'Not helping Raven.' I thought

Caius narrowed his eyes at me and looked me over quickly, "I can see that."

I looked down to see that Raven had completely unbuttoned my shirt. I shifted a little buttoning up my shirt hoping Caius didn't notice my other reactions to the make out session. I looked over at Raven who would be blushing tomato red.

"I-It's not like that father," Raven stuttered again, "what are you doing here?"

Caius crossed his arms, "It's time for you to go get ready."

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