MacBeth more like MaxBeth

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"...and that concludes Spacekids history of moon rocks..." David uttered, glanced wearily to the clock on the cafeteria wall. His shoulders drooped, discouraged that Spacekid had managed to take almost half of the time reserved for other camp members
"...Spacekids...... extensive history of moon rocks." David took a deep breath and put on a cheery smile. Keeping up morale was essential to keep all the campers in line.
"Now brace yourselves for Prestons presentation of Shakespeares best!"

Max hooked his knees underneath the cafeteria lunch table bench and teetered back, paying little mind to anything David happened to be saying. Preston pushed himself out of his seat and gathered some papers in his arms and began to walk to the head of the cafeteria. He was wearing that stupid outfit. You know, the one with the oddly poofy shoulders. That stupid outfit. Maxs' unamused gaze followed him, and when he grew close enough he flicked Preston's arm.
"Nice shoulder pads, you going to a ball tonight?" Max sneered.
Preston's voice cut through Maxs' silent contentment,
"Why? You need a date?" He finished with a wink, not stopping his stride to the makeshift podium put together for the presentations. Max on the other hand averted his face from his friends, not ready to be ridiculed for the blush glowing on his skin. Max didn't like being unable to respond and liked being flustered much less.

Preston cleared his throat loudly. What a dramatic prick. Max echoed in the back of his head before Preston aligned his papers and looked up at the room full of pitifully bored campers.

"Do you have the Shakespeare playwrights that were passed out at the beginning of the camp activity?" Preston's voice warbled on.

Arid, who refused to sit at the lunch tables, was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a page ripped from her copy of the playwrights that was half formed into a paper airplane.
"Uh, I mean kinda?"

Preston forced a stage smile, which was the culmination of years of dedication to acting and partly for having to deal with these pestilent assholes everyday. The only person who happened to have kept their sheet was Max, who Preston noticed was pretending not to listen while expressionlessly leafing through the pages. He glanced up and leered at Preston as if to say I'm not actually listening just talk already.
"That's fine because today we're throwing out everything you know about Shakespeare! Forget what you think you know, because whatever your teacher taught you in grade School is. A. Fucking. LIE."

Preston's shrill barks surprised Max at first but then Max was happy to see that his dramatic co-camper had excited David enough for him to quietly scold against such language. Max liked nothing more than to rile David up, if he could somehow get Preston to go off the rails David might call off this activity.

Max smirked. "I don't know, Teach you're going to have to give me some pretty shocking Revelations to flip my perspective. I don't think you could even convert Nerf to your side, and he hates teachers or any authority."
"Don't speak for me, asswipe." Nerf quickly retaliated."

Preston scoffed indignantly and flipped some pages.
"How about this?!? Mercutio? Gay as shit. The gayest, a whole gay." He fired off.
"Nice." Arid chirped without looking up from her paper airplane creations.

"Everyone could tell Mercutio was gay, dumbass try another." Max sneered.
"Max." David warned quietly.

"Macbeth was a whiny shitlord who couldn't see a plot twist to save his life!." Preston mused. "I cannot be harmed of any man born of a women!" Preston mocked Macbeth's words.

"Hey, sounds like someone I know." Max snickered.

Preston was turning beet red. "Well in the time that the play 'Much Ado About Nothing'," Preston was yelling by now. "nothing was slang for women. So the play not only meant freaking out over nothing," Wow, Max could almost be impressed at this point. "it also meant freaking out over puss-"


A sigh of relief came across the cafeteria. People bumped shoulders as they fled the cafeteria and Max was ecstatic to have the rest of the day off. But held back to mill about to talk to Preston after he had gathered his papers.

Preston was starting to storm out the door when Max slid up next to him.

"Hey, you proved me wrong that was one hell of a crash course, hey you keep magic in those shoulder pads?" He elbowed Preston with each hey and Preston jostled out of arms reach, not looking at Max all the while.

Wow I might have actually upset him. Maxs' voice softened.
"Uh, hey I didn't mean to upset you, I thought it was a friendly little debate in there."
Preston stole a sideways glance at Max but said nothing.
Max sighed. "I, uh, stole some of Gwen's snacks from the camp counselor office, if you wanna come by my tent later tonight if you can manage to sneek past David."

At that Preston lit up. "But only if we recite Shakespeare! For every quote you get right you get a snack!"

"What no, you'll win that. You're like a walking playwright of Shakespeares worst dumpster fire." Max objected.

Preston pouted, repositioning his papers in his arm.

"Ugh fine." Max complied. "But I get to quote Mercutio because he says a joke upon dying and that's totally me."

"Nononono, I'm more like Mercutio." Preston sputtered.

"What how?" Max sincerely doubted that could possibly be true.

"Well Mercutio is gay isn't he?"

Before Max could respond Arid called for Preston to come see her Shakespearean paper airplane.

As Preston skipped off Max was left standing alone only a couple metres before the cafeteria doors.

"What the fuck just happened."

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