"um i dont know if i should say it" -f.w ❤️❤️ part 3

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It's Saturday malina came to your house for her to help you get dressed
" I'm so excited and scared at the same time" you said looking though your closet
" oh my god calm down, it's going to be fine" she said sitting on my bed
" I mean I don't even know what I should wear" you said nervous
" ok let me see what you got" she said getting up from your bed
You walk to your bed and watch her chose clothes for you
" ok so you want to be more sexy or cute?" She asked looking at you
"Cute" you said
"Ok" she said
After 10 minutes of her checking the closet she grabbed to pieces of clothes

It's Saturday malina came to your house for her to help you get dressed " I'm so excited and scared at the same time" you said looking though your closet " oh my god calm down, it's going to be fine" she said sitting on my bed" I mean I don't even...

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"How about this?, it's comf and cute" she said
"That's great, thanks Malina" you said giving her a hug
"No problem, now go get dressed, we still gotta do your hair" she said
You go running to the bathroom and got dressed
"Done" you said getting out of the bathroom
"Ok seat down we just have 30 minutes, I think all we can do is curl it a little bit" she said
" oh it's fine" you said

"How about this?, it's comf and cute" she said"That's great, thanks Malina" you said giving her a hug "No problem, now go get dressed, we still gotta do your hair" she said You go running to the bathroom and got dressed "Done" you said getting out...

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It looked like that

"It looks perfect" you said
Malina smiled
"Ok let's go" she said
" fuck I'm nervous" you said walking down stairs
"Calm down it's just a date you'll be fine" she said
" I'm still nervous" you said
she rolled her eyes laughing
We got to the car to drive to Starbucks
" wish me luck" you said
"You don't need it you got him" she said winking
After that you left the car
You nervously walk in and look around, and that's when you spotted him, he looked right at you smiling, you smiled back and went where he was
" hi" he said
"Hi" you said nervously
" you're nervous?" He asked laughing
Oh my god what a smile
" a little bit" you said blushing
"Aww you're so cute" he said
Making you go more red
"Oh sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" he said
" no no it's fine" you said
"Hi what can I get y'all" the waiter said
" I want a caramel Frappuccino" you and Finn said at the same time
Y'all looked at each other and started laughing
"Ok, it'll be just a minute" the waiter said laughing and walking away
"So tell me a bit about yourself" Finn said
"Well um I love music, horror movies, and hanging with my friends" you said
"So do I But I would add video games and anime" he said
"I've never seen anime but maybe would like it I don't know" You said
"Maybe I could show you a few" he said smiling
"Sure" You said smiling back
After that our drinks came and we had multiple different topics added to the conversation.
*half a hour later*
"Today was amazing Finn Im really glad you asked me on this uh..." you panicked, had no idea of what this was
"Date" he said winking
"Oh yes yes date" you said blushing
He blushed as well
"Well maybe I should get going" you said and got up
"Yes of course, it is getting late" he said getting up too
"See you around" you said hugging him
"How about next Friday" he said
"Oh a second date" you asked
"I'm really liking you y/n" he said blushing
"Well Friday it is, text me where, bye finnie" you said going to the door
"Bye" he said waving
You got to the car and panicked
"Oh my god I'm going on a second date with him" you said to yourself
You started the car and went home.
*few months later*
You and Finn started dating and are the most famous couple now trending on social media
Omg this sucks so bad but I had to end it somehow, already on the freaking 3rd part 😭

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