Chapter 1: Saving the Fellow Hunter! The Hunt Begins

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 1 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should definitely know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V
Destination: Remnant's Atmosphere

"(Y/N)'s ship slowly arrives at the atmosphere and he gets ready to go back to the planet he hasn't been on in years as he slows down in his ship and he types on the keypad of his ship where the emergency beacon was last seen is at Atlas, then he gets ready as he grabs his mask and puts it on as it goes in his head like a helmet. He goes in the pod as it takes off towards the direction and it lands as it starts cloaking so it could stay hidden, then (Y/N) gets out as he looks around to see if there's Grimm anywhere as he sees non, then he types on his wrist computer as he follows the location, then as he arrives he sees blood on the ground as its recognized to be his brother's blood as it has a trail....................
(Y/N): "Hang on brother, I'm coming."
.....................he runs as fast as he can as he is in cloaking, then he hears gunshots as he looks and he sees the Atlas soldiers cornering the injured Hunter as he hides, then sees one of em running around to flank him. But, (Y/N) activates his wrist blade as he runs to him, then stabs him in the gut as he groans. Then he dies as his body went limp, (Y/N) skins his body as he also hung it up....................
Atlas Soldier 1: "Hey Corporal, are you in position? Corporal?"
.....................then copies the audio and then he gets in position....................
(Y/N) 'voice playback': "Corporal-Corporal are you in-in position."
.....................the body drops as it hangs, then the soldiers look. (Y/N) decloaks and cloaks back..................
Atlas Soldier 2: "There's another one?"
Atlas Soldier 3: "Shoot the son of a bitch."
......................they shoot at him as he got away, he lands on the ground as he equips a smart disc, then throws it at them as it cuts off their heads, then it stabs one in the body as he dies. They continue shooting as (Y/N) appears and shoots a razor net at one of em as he gets pushed back and gets cut as the net slowly closes in on his cutting him to pieces, two soldiers were left as one of em grabs a machete and gets in fighting position......................
Atlas Soldier 4: "Alright motherfucker, bring it on."
Atlas Soldier 5: "What the hell are you doing, don't be suicidal."
Atlas Soldier 4: "This motherfucker wants to fight, bring it. Fight with honor you bastard."
.......................(Y/N) shoots the last soldier with the plasma caster as his head explodes, then he jumps in front of the soldier as he decloaks and stood up as the soldier's eyes widen..................
Atlas Soldier 4: "No way, you're human. This is impossible." (Y/N) growls he activates his wrist blades as he gets ready to fight, the soldier goes it attack. But, he dodges it as he deflects the attacks a little, then (Y/N) grabs his wrist and squeezes it with enough force to break his wrist and drop the machete. With him vulnerable he stabs him in the gut as he screams in pain as he slowly died. (Y/N) look in the direction as he walks towards where his injured brother is as he knocks on the wall and then he steps out as he makes the clicking sound as he looks at him...................
Predator 'Yautja Language': "Thank you (Y/N), you came just in time."
(Y/N) 'Yautja Language': "That's what a fellow Hunter does, what happened?"
Predator 'Yautja Language': "They just appeared, I was looking at a recent trophy I received and they knew where I was and attacked me, my time of hunting is over. It's your time to hunt."
.....................he nods, then he walks back to the Atlas Soldier he killed as he stabbed his hand through his body as he does he grabs his spinal column and pulls it out with the skull as he takes another trophy. The injured Hunter grabbed his gear as he returns to the home and (Y/N) stays as he types on his wrist computer as he looks at the entire world of Remnant through a hologram to see where any place to hunt is. He sees the perfect place is Vale, he goes back in the pod as it flies back to his ship as he heads for Vale. He arrives as he stands on a building and looks down at the street seeing people walk by. He rests on a balcony, but he hears an explosion as he runs towards the location as he sees a shootout happening between the police against the White Fang. (Y/N) growls seeing the soldiers who tortured him since he was a kid, then he sees a girl with a giant scythe fighting them along with four other girls......................


.....................Team RWBY arrived as the police are fighting the White Fang, Ruby jumps in the air as she continues fighting them as she uses her semblance a little during the fight. Then Yang shoots acouple rounds from her gauntlets as it hits acouple of soldiers, they see the White Fang retreating into a building as Team RWBY breathe hard from their fight against them.....................
Ruby: "Why did this have to happen today?"
Yang: "What should we do?"
Blake: "We need to catch them, if we don't do anything they'll get away."
Weiss: "We need a plan."
Yang: "Just run in and knock them out, it's simple."
Weiss: "It's not that simple."

3rd P.O.V the building, the White Fang are getting ready to take the stolen dust they collected as they're taking it to a van they had hidden...................
White Fang Captain: "Is that everything?"
White Fang Soldier: "Yes sir."
White Fang Captain: "Then let's go."
.....................they were about to run out, but the glass ceiling above them broke as they shielded themselves from the falling glass, outside the building and explosion is heard as everyone looks....................
Yang: "What the hell?"
Weiss: "Are they nuts?"
Ruby: "Come on, let's get them."
.......................they run in blindly as they head upstairs, but as they do they see it's an old hotel....................
Weiss: "It's an old hotel, how're we gonna find them."
.......................they hear a scream as they look in the direction.....................
Blake: "You hear that right?"
Ruby: "Let's be careful."
.......................they slowly walked through the halls as they look around and hear for voices, but then more screams is heard as they look in the direction. They make it to a room as they nod and Yang kicks down the door and as they do, they only see a drunken man asleep as they shook their heads, they walk out and heads to the next rooms. But, a door bursts open as a White Fang Captain runs out shooting like crazy as he shoots the door, Ruby shot back as Blake follows and he runs up the stairs to the next floor. Blake chases him as he makes it to the roof and he is seen covered in blood as he is scared, unbeknownst that (Y/N) is watching him as he sees him through the heat vision, Blake arrives as she looks around. The White Fang Captain walks up some stairs as its just small stairs as Blake points her gun at him.....................
Blake: "Hold it right there. *sees the blood on him as her eyes widen* What the...........What happened?"
White Fang Captain: "W-W-We g-got to get outta here."
Blake: "Calm down what's wrong?"
White Fang Captain: "I-It killed t-t-t-th-them."
Blake: "Wh-What are you talking about?"
....................then he looks up to see (Y/N) in cloaking as he focused his eyes enough and he screams as he starts shooting and Blake shoots back as he falls off the building and crashes on a mattress that was next to a garbage can, Blake walks up as she looks down to see him alive as cops cuff him and she sighs. (Y/N) stares at her as he does a clicking sound and Blake looks to see him as her eyes widen, she shakes her head thinking it was an illusion. Then (Y/N) disappears as his cloak focuses and she looks around to see nothing. She places her hand on her head as she walks back to the room, as she arrives sees Weiss trying not to puke as Ruby pats her back...............
Blake: "Weiss, what's wrong?"
Weiss: "Y-You might w-wanna look."
....................she walks in, her eyes widen seeing all the White Fang soldiers dead. Stabbed in the bodies and hearts torn out, Yang looks around as she sees a blood trail that leads up the wall and she looks to see a White Fang Soldier upside down and naked as blood drips on the ground.................
Yang: "What the? This looks like it's out of a horror movie."
Blake: "This ain't normal, they died horribly. Their hearts are torn out and the rest are stabbed."
Yang: "Look at this. *points as Blake look* It's like someone killed him down here and then *whistles* he's up there. No man could easily do that to another if they're strong."
Blake: "This is something new."

(Y/N) P.O.V

...................(Y/N) is resting on top of a building as he got done killing White Fang Soldiers, then he starts walking away, then he goes to a taller building as he looks over the city and he hears a sound as he looks to see guys talking as he continues to scout for new prey to hunt."

To be continued................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Saved and Trained by a Hunter: RWBY x Predator Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now