Tomorrow is uncertain

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Whoever said that, "Tomorrow is uncertain" is true from all aspects. You never know what the next moment will bring in your life, or probably bring you out of your life.

I look at her and slowly realize that she has all that beautiful curls she could've wore into a beautiful ponytail,or could've just let it fall on her shoulder. Her hair is that shade of brown that will make you wonder which flower should you give her to attach it to her hair.

Her face is beautiful too,from the remaining unbandaged portion I'm seeing I can surely say that. Her lips are so pale, like a petal that has been through so much intense cold beyond its capability of enduring.

Her left side is totally shattered. Left hand, left leg everything is in plane hiatus. I wonder how yesterday was for this girl. Maybe she was planning to do something significant today, but ended up here. Or maybe she was going to meet someone today,or maybe today could've been just a normal day for her, completing normal chores of everyday life.

But whatever she was up to, I'm sure she wasn't planning to land up on a ICU of a hospital. I'm wondering what time of day it is,or probably it isn't even day anymore.

Life can be so unpredictable. Even life is never predictable. The one who is lying beside me probably even didn't have any predictions of her outcome of today.

Ms. Turner comes inside. She is brown's nurse this time I guess. She has this beautiful smile plastered on her lips for like forever. I wonder how she does it. She smiles at me, I return her smile too. She is soft person often dealing with the most damaged of patients. I've seen her many times since my appointment had started with this ICU. She checks brown's heart rate, and all the information the machine attached to brown's body is giving. She checks the fluids that is currently going within brown's body through all those tubes connected through her skin. I don't know the girl's name, so I call her brown in my mind as her brown hair is the first thing that attracted my vision towards her. She writes something in brown's charts that is hanging beside her bed.

I hear another footsteps. It's him, the most determinant person I've seen in my entire existence of eighteen years. Like Ms. Turner he has this smile plastered across his face too. It's like saying in face of uncertainties that "fuck off". I giggle at my own thought. Because really he is that kind of person who can walk through every uncertainty even without caring and what the hell is happening. He is determined to make the outcome he wants. But I guess sometimes he also doesn't have a clue to do that, though it never stops him from doing what he wants to do.

He is Dr. Stayner. My cardiologist.

He comes towards me and widens his smile. I assure with my smile that I'm fine. Though "fine" is never the word anyone would be expecting from me, yet I keep shattering everyone's expectations.

"What happened to her?" I ask


As I fix my gaze on her, Dr. Stayner understands who I'm talking about.

"It's an accident. Very lethal accident. There was almost no chance of her survival. But she is hell of a fighter."

Fighter,yes that surely goes with those brown curls. She has to be a fighter. I wonder how much she'll will be proud of herself when she wakes up and sees that she has won this battle.

"I hope she wakes up soon."

"Yeah, she'll." Dr. Stayner assures.

Dr. Stayner checks my heart rate and all that needs to be checked.

"You're doing pretty well than yesterday."

I even don't remember when I came here. The last thing I can remember is I was planning to tell Sebastian about the latest book I've read. I was so excited to tell him, that I was running to grab my cellphone which I've left on the nightstand. I even don't remember if I was able to open my bedroom's door or not, though I remember I've climbed up the stairs and saw the "Live for Today" sticker on my bedroom door. After that I remember nothing.

The first thing I've remember after that is brown's curls. I don't know how Dr. Stayner knows that I'm awake. Probably I've woken in front of some nurse who apparently went to inform Dr. Stayner who is now here when I was gazing at brown.

I hear more footsteps.

"Dr. Green." Dr. Stayner smiles his usual smile.

"Dr. Stayner" Dr. Green smiles though his smile isn't so full of determination like Dr. Stayner's.

Dr. Green goes to brown and checks her as a doctor should do. And then he gets this hope on his face. I think brown is pretty good than he expected.

"She is waking. She is waking up!" Dr. Green looks so delighted like seeing a moon after years of darkness.

I see brown's eyes slowly flutter. She is like gathering all the strengths her willpower can provide her to wake up.

"The girl's waking up after three days." Dr. Green smiles.

Three days? Was brown admitted before me?

"Today's date?" I ask Dr. Stayner.

"13th March."

13th March? I was so excited to tell Sebestian about the book on 12th March? No it's not possible. It was Julie,my hamster's birthday. And my Julie's birthday is on 10th March. I've been like unconscious for three days!

"Ella?" Dr. Stayner is concerned with his usual smile plastered on his lips like he has understood what I am just thinking.

"13th March!"

"You're doing fine Ella! It'll be alright." 

I smile back.

Brown's eyes are now open. Though she seems weaker. But she is a fighter so I know she'll proud of herself right now. Dr. Green goes outside and comes back as soon as possible.

"Dr. Garcia, Carole is awake."

So brown's name is Carole. Carole, meaning a strong female. That name is perfect for a fighter like her.

Dr. Garcia is a beautiful lady with eyes like hazel nuts with a almond hair. And I see Dr. Garcia smiles at Ms. Turner and when her gaze falls on me and Dr. Stayner. She smiles at me, I smile back at her.

And then she smiles at Dr. Stayner, and for the first time I see Dr. Stayner's smile vanishes leaving all its determination getting evaporated into the air.

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