thirty one

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listen to "love" by finding hope or "green" by cavetown (:

the light-brown haired boy jumped at the sound of someone knocking on his door. he didn't understand why mark came all the way to his house when he specifically said he shouldn't. he just didn't want to face the older.

"why are you here?" donghyuck asked as he opened the door to see an out of breath mark standing in front of him on the other side of the door.

"because i needed to tell you, that i do pay attention. i always pay attention when i'm with you. donghyuck... i know so much more about you than any other person i know. i know you dislike the taste of coffee so much, which is why i never ask you to go out to get some." mark stepped closer to donghyuck before he opened his mouth to speak again.

"i know you love strawberries and sweets and crave them like almost all the time and i know you sing to michael jackson while dancing in your room with the door locked because you don't want anyone to walk in on you while you're in your own world..." the older stopped to wipe the tears that managed to escape, exhaling before opening his mouth again.

"you can't say i never cared when i kept all the bracelets you've ever given me, e-even the very first ones that weren't so good because you didn't know how to make them. i'm over here confessing to you because i care and i'm scared of losing you. god, i'm so fucking scared because you mean everything to me"

"i mean, you're my best friend for god sake... listen, i know. i know i'm not the best when it comes to showing emotions and feelings or being affectionate but i love you! i love you so fucking much it's physically hurting, donghyuck!" mark sobbed.

"please mark..." the younger whimpered, "don't do this." he sniffed and wiped his eyes, "...d-don't say these things, please."

mark took a big breath as he reached for donghyuck's hands. "donghyuck, i love y—" the words stopped rolling for his tongue when mark saw a figure coming down the stairs.

"hyuckie, i want to cuddle!" the figure whined. donghyuck followed mark's gaze and then looked back. he could see the older's entire body deflate, and his face showing nothing but heartbreak even with the slight smile he showcased.

"mark..." he sighed but was cut off with the older chuckling. mark let go of donghyuck's hands, "you know... you were right, maybe i should've listened to you..."

donghyuck shook his head pleading the older to stay, to stay and hear him out but mark yanked his arm from his grasp and slammed the door after walking out.

"should have fucking known!" mark whisper-yelled to himself as he got in his car. not caring that tears were spilling out of his eyes and blurring his sight, not caring that he was passing the speed limit. he just wanted to be far away from the younger's house where he made a fool of himself.

too busy in his thoughts and vision being covered with salty tears, the sobbing boy didn't notice the car coming his way with no intention of stopping how fast he was going.

suddenly the noise of his cries died down after the collision of both cars. nothing but sirens and mummers could be heard.

everything after that was a complete daze.

mark woke up but could barely remember what happened after he left donghyuck's house. his mind was fogged up and could only make out certain parts that happened earlier.

as he looked around to notice his surroundings he looked down and saw he was lying in a hospital bed with an iv attached to his arm. he saw all his friends asleep on the couch and floor. mark frowned as he realized they'd probably wake up with their backs and necks aching.

continuing to look around the room his eyes landed on his right hand, that was being held by another hand. a familiar hand he could already who's it was and the brown hair that was lying down at the side of his bed helped him confirm who it was even more.

donghyuck, it's donghyuck.

the younger began to shuffle around in the chair before lifting his head and rubbing his face with his free hand. as his vision became clear again he saw mark staring at him. "oh! you're awake!" he said giving the older a small smile.

mark coughed before retracting his hand, "uh yeah..." he mumbled. "y-you don't remember me?" donghyuck asked. "no, i know who you are."

"oh" the younger mumbled letting his face fall, letting his thoughts fill his mind. "i didn't forget who you were and i also didn't forget how i made a fool of myself at your house" he bitterly chuckled. donghyuck's breath hitched, " didn't let me explain."

"what could be a possible explanation? because i can't really think of one that wo—"

"i love you!" donghyuck said cutting the older off. mark blinked, "w-what" he said trying to take the younger's words in. "i love you, you just misunderstood. the person you saw isn't someone special. i don't like them like that or in any romantic way. they're just my friend that tried to help me feel better."

"i-i didn't mean for this to happen, mark i'm so sorry." the younger cried but the latter could only knit his eyebrows together. "well then why'd you tell me not to come over?" he asked.

"because i was...upset. i thought you'd never like me back the way that i like you so i thought it would be a better option to just, distance myself so if you ever did tell me you didn't like me back then it wouldn't hurt so much."

"o-oh...well now i feel kind of stupid" mark chuckled, "don't. i'm so sorry i'm the reason this happened to you" donghyuck silently sobbing and he placed his hand on mark's forehead where he had a cut.

"you aren't donghyuck. you aren't the reason i got into the accident. i knew it was dangerous yet i still got in the car, in my defense i just wanted to get far and forget it ever happened but i wasn't in the state to drive but i didn't listen, like always."

mark took the latter's hand from his head to being held in his own, "b-but..." donghyuck whimpered. "no, no buts. i'm sorry for not hearing you out. if i did then maybe this wouldn't have happened and i'm really sorry for making you think i never liked you."

"can i just kiss you?" donghyuck asked which brought a smile to the older's face before he nodded.

as he leaned in, mark looked the boy in the eyes before speaking, "i love you, donghyuck."

"i love you way more than you could ever imagine mark lee." he whispered before connecting their lips.

Oof i'm still alive 😔🤝
long story short i rewrote this chapter on paper, needed to find the paper, took ages to get it back, found it and finally typed it.
originally i wasn't gonna do a car crash scene but i realized it'll be better to just fit markhyuck in One chapter because than again this is renmin..

so i hope you all enjoyed the chapter(:
now back to ur regularly scheduled.. renmin!

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