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3 days have passed. It was 3 days ago that I saw HIM. The boy with the perfect body and face.

I sat on my bed. The necklace was still on my desk. I didn't know who the person was that followed me and I didn't know where Finn came from. I haven't seen him since this one day in the woods, but he was still in my head.

I knew I couldn't trust anyone but I wanted to see him again. I wanted to know more about him. I went downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen. She cleaned the sink. Like always.

"Hey honey! How are you?" she asked. "I'm good mum thank you." I said. "hey can I maybe go outside." "Sure sure. Just go. But be back at 7pm." she answered. I went to the door and closed it behind me. My mum never really cared about me. But I knew how to live without her. I could live alone, but I was to young. It wasn't that hot today. It was just 7am so I had enough time. I wanted to find Finn.

I didn't know where to start so I walked to the place where we met. In the woods. It didn't take me long.

I arrived at the edge of the woods. But there was no one. I started to yell Finn's name, but no one responded. I felt dumb. It was a dumb idea to come back. I turned around and started to walk back home. But then someone yelled my name "Grace! Stop!" I turned around and started to smile. It was Finn.

I walked back to him, still smiling. "Wow you look happy. What's up?" he asked. I didn't answer. "Why are you here again?" he asked and smirked at me. "Um I-I wanted to....see you again." I said. My cheeks burned. "Sounds nice." he said and smiled. "Do you want to hang out? "Um sure" I said. "Let's go to the arcade." he said.

We started walking to the arcade. It was a longer way. The arcade was in the middle of the city.

"So....I want to know more about you." he said and looked down. "Um what do you want to know?" I asked him. "What's with your family? You don't have to tell me about your family if you don't want to." he said. "Um...I don't know my real dad. He left us. I live with my mum. All she does is cleaning the house and yeah. She doesn't really care about me. And yeah that's all." I said and looked down. Finn also looked down. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." he said. "What's with you?" I asked him. "Um I have a brother and parents. That's all." he said and started to laugh. "Wow. Sounds boring." I said and laughed too.

We arrived at the arcade and went inside. There weren't many people. The arcade looked pretty cool. The floor was multicolored and the walls were red and blue. There were lots of old games. Like 80's and 90's games.

"You choose the first game." he said. I thought and thought. "I want to play Dig Dug. I love this game." I said. "I'll beat you in this game. Don't even try to win!" he said and laughed. We went to the game. Finn took out a 1$ bill and put it in the game. The game started.

Finn was so fast. I couldn't follow his hands. At the end we looked at his points. "751 300 points! How?" I asked. I was shocked. "I told you." he said and laughed. "Now it's your turn" I took out my 1$ bill and put it in the game. I played for 10 seconds and died then. "That was perfect!" he said and laughed. " I haven't played for a. long time." I said and smiled sheepishly.

"Try it again." he said. "Um ok?" I said. I took another1$ bill and put it in the game. The game started. I started to panic again. "I can't play I'm to dumb." I said and laughed.

But then I felt Finn right behind me. I felt his warm breath in my neck. He put his hand on my hand. His hands were warm and soft. He had long beautiful fingers. "I'll help you." he said softly. He moved his hand.

I forgot the world around us. For the moment, it was just me and Finn. We played and played. Where was the time?

Then he stopped. "You're dead." he said and laughed. He was now back at the place where he stood before. "650 990 points. Woah. That's the first time. I never had that much before." I said and looked happily. "Not that bad but it was just because I helped you." he said and laughed. I punched him against the arm. He laughed. "Let's go drink something. I'm thirsty." he said. "um sure. Let's go to this one cafe. It near the arcade." I said. "Yeah!" he said.

We went outside. "whoever is first there wins!" I said and ran. "That's unfair!" he said and came after me. I laughed. We ran and ran.

I was there before Finn. "I'm the winner." I said and laughed. I was so out of breath. "You've cheated!" he said and laughed. We went inside the cafe. "Let's go take the biggest table." I said and laughed. We looked for a big table and found one. "That one is perfect!" I said. We sat down on the table. "What do you want Misses?" he said in an elegant tone. "You sound like like a servant." I said and laughed.

Wow. I've never laughed that much. "Hey Finn?" I said. "Yeah?" he said and looked in my eyes. "Um thank you." I said. I looked down to my shoes. "For what?" he asked. I felt my heart pounding faster. "Just for this all. I've never laughed that much in my life. I'm just....just happy not to be alone." I said and smiled. He smiled back. God his smile was so pretty. "Grace....I'm also happy to be here with you." he said.

A waiter came. "Welcome! What would you like to drink?" he asked. "I want a hot chocolate with a lot of cream." I said. "I want the same thing." Finn said and looked to me. I smiled. "Thank you." the waiter said and went to an other table.

We didn't talk till the hot chocolates came. "10$ please." the waiter said. I searched for money in my pocket but Finn stopped me."I pay." he said and gave the money to the waiter. "I wish you a nice afternoon." the waiter said and walked away.

We drank our hot chocolates. They were very tasty.

That's what they looked like:

We finished our drinks and stood up

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We finished our drinks and stood up. Finn had a mustache from the cream. I started to laugh so loud. Everyone stared at us. Finn didn't know what was going on. "What?" he whispered. " have a mustache!" I said and laughed again. Finn wiped his mouth on his sleeve and blushed.

We went outside. "Wow it's already 4pm. How the time flies." I said. "Let's go to the lake." Finn said. We went to the lake that was near the cafe.

No one was there so we were alone. The lake was actually pretty big. But the water was cold. There were also a little wood board. It was for the people who wanted to jump in the water. You could swim and bathe in it.

Finn climbed onto the board. He stood with his back to me. That was the perfect moment. I climbed up to him and pushed him in the water. He screamed and fell into the water with a loud splash. I started to laugh so much. It was so beautiful. To be happy.

1347 words

So guys I wanted to and it here because I have already more than 1300 words so yeah. I hope you like it.

𝐈𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 💵Where stories live. Discover now