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I slowly stood up from the chair and walked to the corner. If Finn would wake up he wouldn't see me immediately. I stood there and I was shaking. I slowly went to the door. The only problem was Finn sat directly at the door.

He was still snoring a little but so I was sure he was sleeping. I went behind him and stood at the door. Then I slowly opened the door. I did it. I went upstairs and saw it was already pretty dark. I was sure no one would come. I already knew the way. I went to the front door and slowly opened it. It was so cold outside. But I was free. I wanted to run but someone grabbed my arm.

It was Jack. He had a threatened view. "J-Jack please it's me Grace." I said. "Jack come on. It's me. Do you remember how we met in the hospital. Come on. What's with Finn? He's your friend. I know you're in there." He looked down. He didn't say something. "You both have to come back!" I said again. Then Jack looked up. His view wasn't threatening anymore. " did it!" he said. "What?" I asked and got big eyes. "I-I think I'm back!" he said and smiled. "Wha— how?" I looked around and thought about how I did this. lI swear it's me Grace!" he said again.

"I believe you of course. I mean how? It didn't work when I tried it with Finn. He didn't want to listen to me." I said desperately. Jack looked up to me. "I'm sorry Grace. I think we can't help him. Steve did something with him. Something what he didn't do with me." he said. "I think he won't come back to us. The Finn we know is dead." He looked down. "No. He isn't dead. I won't stop fighting for him. I want my Finn back. The-the first thing we need to do is-is-..." Jack interrupt me, "Grace....I'm sorry but I think it's hopeless. Also we have to hurry up. What if Steve comes back? Or Finn?" he grabbed my arm and tried to take me with him. "No Jack! If you don't want to help me then go. I'm going to do what we need to do. I'm going to kill Steve!" I said.

I wanted to kill him. He was a monster. And I would never ever call him dad. "Do you have any weapons?" I asked him. "Grace...." he looked down. Then he sighed and said: "I'm not going to let you go alone. I'm going with you." I smiled and he took out the gun he had.

We went back inside the house and looked for Steve. We knew it was bad to kill him but he did bad things. And this all was his fault. I had a bad feeling. My stomach hurt and my heart was pounding very fast. We went upstairs to Steve's room. Jack slowly pushed down the door handle and went inside the room.

It was to dark so I couldn't see anything. I heard my own breath and my heart pounding. We went to Steve's bed but he wasn't there. "Where the hell is he?" I whispered to Jack. I saw just the shape of him. I saw he looked around. "I don't know. But that's not good." he whispered back.

We went back downstairs and to the living room. "He used to be here but he isn't here."Jack said. "Let's go downstairs. We have to look if Finn is still there." We went down to the room where I was in but Finn wasn't there too. "How is this possible. He slept on this chair." I pointed to the chair," and now he's gone. What the hell is going on?" I was scared and my whole body was shaking. "I don't know Grace but this doesn't seem good." I heard Jack taking out his gun.

I went to the corner and looked around if something was here. There was nothing. Then I heard a weird sound. I turned around and saw Steve grabbing Jack and Finn next to him. "You thought you could run away huh." steve said,"Jack is useless. I don't need him. It was so sure he would come back. But now it's the time!" I was so confused. What was Steve talking about?

I saw Finn coming closer. He was so fast. He wrapped his arms around me and pointed a knife to my neck. "Now Finn!" Steve said. "Wait!" I screamed. Finn wanted really to kill me. The knife came closer to my neck. "Finn please listen to me. This isn't you." I screamed. I heard Steve screaming between all the stuff I said. "Finn please. It's me Grace. The girl you met in the woods. The girl you went to the arcade and to the lake with. The girl you kissed. Do you remember the day when you saved me. You brought me to the house...." steve interrupt me. "Enough!" he screamed,"Finn give her what she needs. Do you remember the bad things she did. You fell from the cliff because you had to save her." he said. I looked up to Finn who looked to Steve with big eyes. I saw in his eyes how confused he was.

"Cliff." was the only thing he said but he said it very quiet. "Yeah you fell down the cliff because of her." steve said again. "I fell down the cliff......" he whispered again. "I-I......" "Finn I was the one who saved you. I brought you to the hospital and when you woke up you told me I'm your angel. Do you remember that? Come on. You're in there. Come back to me." I tried to bring him back. He looked around then to Steve and then to me.

Then he slowly put down the knife and it fell to the floor. "What are you doing?" Steve asked and raised his voice. I saw how Jack smirked. Finn slowly let me go and pulled up the knife. Then he came closer to Steve.

I looked at the whole thing. Finn pointed the knife on Steve and in the next moment the knife was in Steve's neck. I was shocked. Jack went to the corner and tried to breath normal.

The knife fell down to the floor. It was full with blood. And Steve....he laid on the floor. Finn slowly turned around and walked to me. I took a few steps back because I was still scared.

He stopped in front of me and stared into my eyes. Then he came closer and I felt his lips on my lips. He was back.

1134 words

I'm stupid ;)

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