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"We keep getting caught up in situations like this, don't we?" Josie chuckled

Hope shook her head, her fingers brushing her Auburn hair out of her eyes. " You don't get it... do you?"

Josie's eyebrows scrunched up, her face showing her blatant curiosity. " Get what?"

Hope backed away from Josie her hands fisting in her hair, showing her frustration. She would have thought Josie had figured it out by now, but apparently not.

Hope smiled, her eyes showing unshed tears. A sign of how utterly painful this conversation was. Hope laughed bitterly, she was still misunderstood. After all these years of trying to show how she felt she was still misunderstood.

"  I'm a sucker for you Josie Saltzman, and I'd follow you anywhere."

Josie's mouth fell open at the confession. Where had these sudden feelings come from? Hope was thinking irrationally, that had to be it. Hope just couldn't come upon these sudden feelings and want her to feel the same.

Hope had all these people who liked her. Why on Earth would she choose her of all people?

Josie frowned, this was all so confusing. " Hope I-"

Hope pulled her shirt over her head, her hand immediately going for her pants buckle ." No Josie, this isn't a sudden thing. I know how I feel and I'll wait, I will."

Josie gawked at the girl. How did Hope know what she was going to say?

" I will wait for you as long as it takes. But I made a mistake Jo, a big one that could put you in danger."

Josie shook her head, she knew where  Hope was going with this conversation and it wasn't good.

Hope nodded confirming Josie's fears. " I have to go Jo, and you'll probably never see me again."

Hope put her clothes into the backpack on her back, her straps loose so that it would stay on for the ride.

Hope was now only clad in her underwear, which didn't quite matter since she was leaving anyway

Hope backed away further, making the distance between her and Josie plenty. " Josie I want you to go back to the boarding school."

" Hope I don't want you to-"

Hope's expression became hard as she spoke. " Go."

Josie's frown only deepened as she was forced to leave. Her feet squishing the grass as she ran back to the boarding house.

Josie cringed as she heard the tell tale sound of bones cracking as she left. She heard paws hit the ground before the sound of rustling and a loud howl.

And with that Hope was gone.

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