Chapter 1

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People always said that the good inside you would always come to light. Hope always thought that to be a bunch of bs. And guess what it turned out to be? A bunch of bs.

Rule #1 ✅

Never go out hungry unless your willing to hunt and accept the consequences.

This was the first rule Hope had broken. Her strong want for the sweet taste of a fresh kill in her mouth overcame the want to follow to rules.

Hope's will had always been strong willed but after the argument that her and Landon had, she wasn't that focused. Which had led to Hope's sudden urge to hunt.

Rule #2✅

Don't go out after midnight.

This rule's reasoning was self explanatory. Don't go out at night because you could attack a human and help wouldn't be able to come until the morning.

Yeah...... Hope had definitely broken this rule more than 100 times and it still hadn't bothered her.

Midnight was the best time to go out for a run, no one was there to question your motives or bother you. And that was just how Hope liked it.

That night she had snuck out just after midnight to go for a run, which had turned out to be a bad idea after all.

Rule #3✅

Don't ever...Ever bite anyone.

This rule was one that Hope hadn't broken..... Well until that night that is.

She didn't bite people. She didn't see the point. How on Earth would it be satisfying to bite someone? For some reason she would never get the appeal.

At least not until that night. That night had been a disaster of epic proportions that had left her feeling guilty.

She hadn't meant to she swore she hadn't. But when someone was there and they looked particularly enticing you would too.

Those were the three rules.... The three main rules that her and Mr. Saltzman had agreed to in order for her to go on her runs. 

She was starting to understand his reasoning. Maybe he was more wise than Hope gave him credit for.

If only she had listened. She had gone and gotten herself into trouble. Trouble that it was impossible to get out of.

She'd called her Aunt Freya and it seemed that this problem took the cake. Her aunt had no answers for her. It had never happened before and Hope didn't know what to say. Her Aunt Freya had always known the answer to her questions and problems.

What was she supposed to do now?

Mr. Saltzman was going to kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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