The notes

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-police station-

"Things were back to normal. Again. I was getting bored of the same old cycle, as soon as I learnt something new Theo and my brother would completely shut me out again. I knew Ollie was only trying to protect me, but I wasn't too sure of Theo's reasons."

"And who was 'the girl' that the Golden Lords wanted to kill?" The detective asked, raising his brow.

"At first, I forgot about it. I was too busy being annoyed at Theo for not letting the others come back to pick us up, that I completely forgot about what they were saying that night. That was until a week later..."


"Hey, I'm just gonna go get my english books out of my locker." I said to Emma as we left music.

"Ok, see you at lunch." She said. Then she smiled and ran to catch up with James.

My locker was located in the most quiet part of school. Something I didn't mind actually, I hated it when you were trying to get your books out and people were barging through trying to get someone to notice them at the end of the hall.

I entered my code and pulled open my locker to a slip of paper that slid out. The paper was folded in half so I opened it to read a short message with messy handwriting: 'I know you were there that night. Watch your back.'

The note fell out of my hand as I stood there in shock. The late bell went and I quickly picked the note up and shoved it in my pocket, hoping no one was watching.

All the thoughts were rushing through my head as I raced to my english class. What was the note about? Who wrote it? What do they mean I need to watch my back? Was the note even written for me or did somebody put it in my locker by mistake? Was it someone playing some kind of cruel joke on me? Stacey, maybe, she's always hated me? Should I tell someone? Maybe I should tell someone? What if it is actually a real threat? Maybe I should report it to the police? Maybe I should tell my dad? Maybe I should tell Ollie? Maybe I should tell Theo? No, I told myself, it's nothing. It's probably just some stupid kid thinking it's some kind of hilarious joke. i thought, I'll go back to my locker later, then I can see if it was just a silly one time thing. I told myself, It'll be fine, everything will be fine. Right?

-biology, last period-

"What's up with you?" You Theo asked as I sat there and tapped my pen nervously while the teacher spoke.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Really cause you're doing that thing you do when you get nervous." He said in a rude tone.

"I told you I'm fine. Stop talking to me."

"You're not still pissed off about last week are you?" Theo said smirking.

"No ok! I couldn't give two shits about last week can you just shut up!" I yelled.

"Miss Scott, do we need to go pay the principle a little visit?" Mr Black asked raising his brow.

"No sir, I'm sorry, I'll be quiet." I said as I began writing down what he was putting on the board in my notepad. "Thanks a lot asshole." I muttered to Theo.

"Don't look at me." He said, smirking once again.

-End of lesson-

I spent the majority of the rest of the lesson watching the time tick by on the clock, I had to get to my locker to see if another note had been left for me. As soon as the bell went I grabbed my stuff, shoved my books in my bag and began to rushed out of the door.

"Woah where are you going? In a rush are we?" Theo asked.

"Ugh just leave me alone, I'm clearly in a rush." I said as I carried on walking.

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