The Beginning of the End

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Chapter Two

"Why? The doctor said we could leave tomorrow" my mum questions, "because I saw a thing! A monster!" I reply. "Monsters don't exist Jamie!" My mum tells me with disbelief, "I saw a man, but he wasn't alive he was dead, but not like a normal person would die, he was walking he was one of those things, a-a zombie!" I stutter.

"Jamie please your scaring your brother, and zombies don't even exist!" She snaps at me. I frown at her, and sit in my chair, if I can't convince her then we're gonna die!

*BANG* I look up

*BANG* again




"It's that thing!" I yell "it's coming after us!"

"JAMIE, STOP!" My mum yells


"You need to listen to me." I say calmly "I saw something out there and it wasn't human, it can't think for itself, it's not alive it's dead, and it's out there and it wants to kill us! So if you would please listen to me we need to kill it before it kills us!" I say in a sort of whisper-yell. "Okay Jamie, I'm trusting you. Do you know what to do?" She asks.

"I know what i have to do" I reassure her

"But I'm going to have to open that door" I point to the door


"Does the bathroom door have a lock on it?" I ask, my mum walks inside the bathroom and checks, she walks back out "yes it does."

"Okay, I need you to take Kyle in there and lock yourselves in until I tell you it is safe to come out. Do you understand?!" I demand

"Yes" she says and turns to go into the bathroom, before she closes the door she turns to me, "Jamie I love you" a tear rolls down my cheek "I love you too mum, and if you never hear my voice again, just know that I believe in you! You can keep yourself and Kyle alive without me, if you need to, use this" I hand her my pocket knife I always keep in my bag and keep going through it, I need something to protect myself, scissors, what are scissors doing in my bag? They must be from my pencil case, they must have fallen out when I unpacked and repacked my bag two days ago. They will come in handy!

I brace myself and walk to the door.

It is the beginning of the end.

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