C H A P T E R 5

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After saying goodbye to everyone present in the HQ, Jimin drives you two to the airport. During the ride, the check-in, the security check and waiting for the boarding both of you keep silent. The tension isn't gone but it became a habit. While he stays seated with a book in his hand or sometimes his phone, you can't help but wander around the long halls and the duty-free of Incheon airport. It was not like you ever were the type to just stay put on a chair for way too much time. But there were enough other factors rummaging inside of you making you feel uneasy.

Once back to the gate where Yoongi was still thumbing through a book, with genuine concern he asks, "Is something wrong?"

His eyes are glued to the black printed letters on the not really white pages. It was the first thing he spoke to you after you almost broke his wrist a couple of hours ago.

"The usual" I mean you are about to fly halfway around the earth with a dangerous man that you hate and leave your friends behind, that's what's wrong.

"I mean besides that. Are you afraid of flying or something? You keep running around the airport for no reason" he looks up changing his concern to annoyance.

"We'll see, I guess."

"What do you mean 'we'll see'?"

You sigh loudly, trying to get rid of the knot in your stomach, "I mean that I never entered a plane before. Maybe I'll be scared as fuck or not at all, we'll see."

His lips part slightly, looking at you in distrust, "That's a joke, isn't it?"

Eyes roll as you sit next to him, "Do you really think I am in the mood for joking?"

Arms crossed, you look in the opposite direction, your uneasy pupils as far away from his sight as possible. Even though your eyes aren't catching him, you clearly pick up the fact that he closed his book stronger than it would have been necessary. Warmth approaches you.

"Well, you seemed to be in the mood for it earlier. Do you really think Jungkook was the only one to hear the shit coming out of your mouth before? 'Learned from the best, it seems', huh?"

Oppressing the gulp in your throat, you stop breathing. He sensed fear, he always did. It was his job. And he also sensed yours. When animals are afraid, they don't just cower around. They strike back as a defense in the hope the enemy gets more frightened than the victim is. But Yoongi was not supposed to be your enemy. He should be your partner. Part of the same pack. But even packs have their conflicts. What when two alphas fight for their seat? Is that what you are? Two alphas in the same pack? The best members with the highest killing ratios in the Blood Crown? Yes, yes you were.

"Don't you think I know what you think about me? You really imagine I am that dumb?" you snap your head seeing him to be not the slightest bit surprised by your attack.

He kept his cool, "Until you prove me wrong, I won't change my mind about you. Show me how good of a member you are, what kind of woman you are. My respect is something you have to earn, also by respecting me."

His eyes were piercing through yours right into your soul, your BPM surpassing the ratio it usually has. Did he come a little closer or was your scared mind fooling around with your senses?

"And what makes you think I'll respect you if you won't do the same? If you just keep thinking I'm a scared little bitch fucking around with guys before taking their pitiful lives?" eyes squinting at the master of torture.

Suddenly, his eyes showed a sign of astonishment but there was something you couldn't read in those dark little orbs attacking you like two thin needles. Was he scared of you, too? Or just surprised at you defending yourself at all? Something told you he looked hurt but that was impossible. Guys like him don't get bothered by girls like you.

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