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Narrated By Jason

"In 8 years everything changed. One moment we had it under control, a few Kaiju attacks here and there, Jaegers responding in kind. Newt even managed to drift with a brain, find out who was behind it all. The Precursors, that's what we called them, sent these Kaiju to wipe us out and move in. That didn't change things though, seems like the drift had alternative affects on Newt. They took his mind, probed through his brain and took his ideas. Pretty soon Newt was their pawn and the game changed. The next moment the Kaiju were bigger, stronger, smarter. The rate of their pregnancy was growing, four infants, then six. Pretty soon the infants outnumbered the adults. With every one Kaiju we killed, three Jaegers fell. It took a toll on the world as a whole. Newt's mind fueled them, pinpointing weaknesses in the Jaegers, in our strongholds. Next another rift opened in the Atlantic, the Kaiju attacking on both fronts."

"Luckily the tide changed a little. Zilla began patrolling the eastern seaboard, killing and fighting any Kaiju that approached. Rodan jumped in as well, his roost being invaded by the damn things. The Mothra twins defend most of Asia and Europe. The Titan's defending their world gave us time to rebuild Jaegers and join back in the fight. Godzilla even joined the fight, taking down a few Kaiju in Sydney, Manila, Tokyo and Mexico. Newt went missing once the tide changed, we were winning again. At least we thought we were."

"Just last year Tokyo went dark, reports show Godzilla destroyed it. How? Why? Turns out Newt showed his buddies about Godzilla and they created something in his image. The attacks grew as the infants that were in hiding grew up and started popping up again. Cities go dark from the ambush style attacks, the rifts spawning bigger Kaiju. They don't attack cities though, they head to Antarctica, for Monster Zero. Our best Jaeger, MechaGodzilla, stands guard in the Arctic, fending off the attacks. They want him awake it seems. We need to find Newt, get the information we need from him and end this all."

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