Doctor Appointment

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Ever since Peter Stark-Rodgers was a baby, one thing had always stayed the same. His fear of needles. His dads say that it's a common fear and that it's normal for kids to be scared of them. But he's not a little kid anymore, he's fifteen years old he should be over this by now! Every time Peter goes to the doctor he starts to cry and cling to his dad and pops, every time they both have to hold him down and soothe him. And Peter hates it. Now here we are, the day if Peter's doctor's appointment. The teenager walks into the kitchen, completely aware of the events to come.
"Morning, Pete." Tony says while reading something on his StarkPad.
"H-Hey Dad." Peter responds nervously. Tony sets his tablet down and looks at his son, immediately understanding what was wrong.
"Aww, Pete, " Tony coos, " come here baby." The older hero opens up his arms invitingly and Peter wastes no time and practically jumps into his arms. Peter lays his head on Tony's chest, breathing in his familiar scent. "It's okay to be nervous." The elder man comforts.
"No, it's not." Peter whines. "I act like a baby every time I go to the doctor. And-and whenever there are shots or needles you and Papa always have to sit there and hold me down." He continues to ramble.
"Hey, hey," Tony says while cupping Peter's cheek, " calm down buddy. No need to get yourself all worked up."
"I'm sorry." Peter whimpers into his father's shirt.
"You have nothing to be sorry for Peter. Papa and I love taking care of you, and if that means we need to give you a few extra hugs and kisses at doctors appointments, then that's what we'll do." Tony says while squeezing his son tighter in his arms. It was at that moment when Steve walked in, seeing his husband and son cuddled up on the couch. A soft smile graces his features as he watches the interaction.
"Good morning." He says quietly and walks over to sit beside them on the couch. "Rough morning?" Steve asks as he runs a hand through Peter's curls.
"He's a little nervous for his doctor's appointment," Tony says while rocking Peter in his arms, " he doesn't like how upset he gets when we go." He finished simply. A small pout replaced the smile on Steve's face.
"I know you don't like the doctor, Pete, and there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Steve says while massaging the nape of Peter's neck.
"Okay." Peter says quietly.
"Sorry kiddo, but it looks like we need to get going." Tony says while looking at the watch on his wrist. Steve swiftly lifts his son into his arms and carries him to the elevator. Peter just responds by laying his head on his papa's should and wrapping his legs around his waist. The small family makes their way to their car and Peter starts to get nervous.
"Just breathe baby, it's gonna be okay." Steve soothes.
"Papa." Peter whines.
"Just relax. One step at a time buddy, we're not even there yet. We have time." Steve says while tubbing circles onto Peter's back. The young hero takes a shuddering breath inwards and tries to relax in his father's hold. Steve decides to sit in the backseat next to Peter on the car ride there, while Tony drives the car.
When they arrive at the clinic, Peter tries to hide his anxiousness. But of course, his super dads can see through his charade. Tony decides to take hold of his child's hand while Steve checks them in. Peter sits in between his fathers while they wait in the -surprisingly comfortable - waiting room chairs.
"Peter?" A nurse dressed in pink scrubs calls out. Peter hesitantly stands up and follows the nurse, both of his dads in tow. When they arrive at the tiny examination room Tony and Steve sit in the plastic chairs while the nurse measures Peter's height and weight. The nurse leaves telling Peter to put on a gown and that the doctor will be in soon.
"You're doing great, buddy." Tony says while tying the back if Peter's gown. "We know how scary this is for you, and we're so proud of you." Tony wraps his arms around Peter and plants kisses to his scalp.
"Dad, um, can..." Peter stumbles over his words, "can you s-sit with me?" He finishes quietly.
"Of course bambino." Tony says and kisses Peter's head one last time, before hopping on to the examination table, Peter doing the same.
The doctor walks and Peter tries to hide in his fathers side. Steve shakes hands with the man and tells him everything he may need to know. The doctor nods and sanitizes his hands.
"Good morning, Peter." The man kindly greets. Peter just gives a small smile and tries look the man in the eye. "How are you feeling today?" He asks.
"Nervous." Tony answers for him.
"I promise you there won't be any surprises, Peter." The doctor says, fully aware if Peter's anxiety when it comes to doctors. "I will tell you everything before it happens. As of right now I want to check you mouth, eyes, and ears. Okay?" The doctor says while getting the tools he needs. Peter nods his head and allows the doctor to perform the tests.
"Almost done, baby." Tony soothes. "Then we can go home and watch some movies." Peter smiles and leans into his father's touch even more. The rest of the examination goes by no problem. The doctor gave Peter a description of everything he did, as promised, and Peter managed to stay calm. Until the very end.
"Looks like you're overdue for a few shots today, Peter." (This same scenario actually happened to my cousin so I'm actually not making this up) The doctor announced after clicking a few things on his computer.
"How many?" Steve asked while sending nervous looks to Tony. This might not end well.
"Well that depends, are you looking to get the flu-shot?"
"Yes." Steve answers slowly.
"Then there's a total of six injections needed." The doctor answered smoothly.
"SIX?!" Peter practically yells. "Daddy please don't let them. W-We can do them next time. Please. I-I can't do this." Peter cries.
"Hey, deep breaths, baby." Tony instructs. "You're okay, I promise, everything's gonna be fine."
"I'm afraid that all of these are necessary, due to the fact that you did not get them during your last visit." The doctor informs with a sympathetic look on his face. "I promise we'll make everything as quick as possible." Tony continues to rub Peter's back as Peter cries. He eventually calms down a little bit, but tears still leak from his eyes. "The nurse will be in soon. He can get dressed if preferred." The doctor said before exiting the room.
"I'm sorry bambino." Tony says sadly. "I wish we didn't have to do this, but we do." Peter sniffles and nods his head.
"Would you feel better if you changed into your regular clothes?" Steve asks as he moves toward the other two.
"Y-Yea." Peter answers. Tony and Steve give their son a small smile, before helping him get dressed. When the nurse arrives, Peter is situated sideways on Tony's lap with Steve's arm wrapped around both of them.
"Hello, Peter." She greets sweetly. "I heard that you're a little nervous for these shots. So I'll try to go as quick as possible." She takes the tray she was carrying and sets it on the examination bed. "Now since you are getting six shots today we're going to need to put two of them in your leg, since we can only put two in each arm." She smiles and grabs a sanitation wipe. "Which would you prefer we do first? Your leg, or your arm."
"Leg." The teen answers quietly. The nurse nods her head and smiles.
"Alrighty, if you could please lay down then we can get started." Peter swallowed hard and slowly laid down across his father's laps. His head was resting on Tony's legs while the billionaire he'll both of his hands in one hand with his other hand on Peter's chest, while Peter's feet were on Steve's lap with the super soldier holding his legs in place. The nurse gently pushed up Peter's shorts and sanitized his upper thigh with the cold cloth. Peter turns his face into Tony's stomach and begins to silently cry.
"You're alright Bambino." Tony soothed. "Just a quick pinch and then it's over." The nurse is quick with injecting the medicine and cries harder into his dad's shirt. The hand that was on Peter's chest moved to the back of his head and carded through the soft curls. The nurse injected the second needle into Peter's leg and quickly placed band-aids over both injection sites. She allows the teenager a second to calm down and relax before sweetly instructing him to sit up. Peter is once again, sitting sideways on Tony's lap while Steve wraps his arm around Tony's back as he's helping to restrain Peter.
"Deep breaths Peter." Steve instructs. "You're okay, I promise." Peter nods and takes inhales deeply. "Good. You're alright, buddy. You're so brave." The nurse pushes up the sleeve on Peter's short sleeve shirt and disinfects his upper arm. Peter tries to pull away, but the nurse is keeping a firm hold on his elbow. His face returns to its previous spot on his father's chest as he continues to breathe deeply. The nurse injects the medicine quickly and efficiently as Peter's breathing starts to pick up. She places to neon bandaids over his arm and moves to his other arm. Peter is turned around in his father's arms so the nurse has access to his other arm. The young teen continues to whimper and cry as he feels the needle pierce his skin, this injection stinging terribly.
"I'm sorry." The nurse says while grabbing the last needle. "That one tends to sting a little more than the others."
"Last one Pete." Tony says whilst planting more kisses into Peter's hair. The nurse administers the last shot and places the two bandaids over the needle marks. "All done, baby."
"So proud of you Bambi." Steve coos. The nurse leaves and the little family is alone once more. Peter's sobs turn to sniffles, but he's still shaking in his dad's arms.
"Let's get you home." Tony says to Peter. "You've had a long morning." Peter hums in agreement and tries to stand. Although as soon as he does, his shaking legs fail to support him.
"I got you, baby." Steve says while picking up Peter. The teenager allows his pops to carry him to the car. Then the gentle hum of a car engine lulls him to sleep.

The End
xoxo spiderxmarvel
1823 words

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