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Peter Stark-Rogers has been going out as Spider-Man for almost six months, with his dad and pops still oblivious to the fact that their son is New York's newest vigilante. In fact, no one in the tower is aware that Peter goes out every night to fight crime. Not even the two super spies who live in the floor below him.
It didn't take too long for SHIELD to take an interest to Spider-Man. Nick Fury thought he would be a great asset to the Avengers team. But General Thaddeus Ross (dun dun DUNNNNN) was upset that there was another mutant out on the streets with an unknown identity. Although the accords were never truly put into place, super powered individuals still faced the threat of being taken into custody over one simple mistake. Peter, however, never considered himself to be a part of that group. Oh how wrong he was.
The crime in Queens seemed to have doubled that night. There was never a moment of rest in Peter's patrol. And although he was excited to be able to help people and feel useful, he was starting to feel overwhelmed come 2 am.
"Come on, man." Peter mumbles to himself as he swings over to catch, yet another, purse snatcher. "It's a school night." He webs up the man easily and returns the purse to the damsel and continues on with his patrol after receiving another alert from Karen.
While he's fighting off an armed mugger, Peter gets two more alerts from Karen, telling him that there's a robbery and, wow would you look at that, another purse snatcher. Seriously why are there so many women walking around at two in the morning. Deciding that the robbery was a more severe crime, that's where Peter headed after webbing up the mugger.
When he got the bank, Peter sighed when he saw a homeless man sleeping inside the bank. There was no actual robbery going on, the silent alarm was just triggered by a man looking for warmth. So, Peter quickly swung over to the location of the purse snatching. When he got there, Peter came face to face with a corpse. The women had obviously been stabbed, recently too, there was still blood oozing from her wound.
"K-Karen. Umm, check for...for a pulse." Peter commanded shakily. This situation was all too familiar. He can't help but flashback to his Uncle Ben, bleeding out from a gunshot wound.
"I am sorry, Peter. I can not find a pulse." Karen apologizes. Peter chokes on a sob and swings away, all the way back to the tower. As he climbs through his window he ignores the aching he feels in every single muscle in his body. He practically rips off his suit, leaving himself in his boxers and a plain white t-shirt, and plops down into his bed, sobbing silently into his pillow.
"I killed her." He whimpers. "I-I was so stupid." He doesn't know how long he continues to cry, but eventually he drifts off into a restless slumber.
When he wakes up in the morning, it's to hearing a large commotion not only a room over.
"I don't know where you're getting this information from, Ross!" He can hear his dad yell. "But there is no way in hell you can just barge into my home and demand to arrest my son for not only supposedly being an untrained mutant, but for apparently killing a women last night!"
"We got it all on camera last night Stark." Ross starts to rebuff.
"It's Stark-Rogers." Tony intervenes.
"We saw Spider-Man leave a lady to die, and we saw him return into the tower and climb into Peter's room. We've tried to look for other camera footage to help back us up but, coincidentally, it's all been deleted. Every night for the past 6 months there has been a five minute gap of missing footage." Ross snarls.
"With all due respect sir, if Peter were to really be a super hero, don't you think we'd have known about it sooner? He is our son after all." Steve asks.
"Well, Captain, maybe your son is better at keeping secrets than you thought." Ross suggested. "How about we go have a chat with him?"
Peter's sluggish brain takes a second to catch up with what's going on. He groans as he feels an array of bruises from the night before but gasps and sits up suddenly as he hears a knock on his door.
"Come in." He rasps. And then internally panics. His Spider-Man suit is just sitting on his floor from last night.
"Sorry to interrupt your sleep." Ross says sarcastically. "We just have to ask you a few questions." The man looks down at the red and blue material sitting on Peter's floor, then back up at the teenager. "But it seems I already have my answers. Peter Stark-Rogers, you're under arrest for illegal vigilantism and the death of Delilah Brookes." He says harshly, advancing towards the teenager.
"Wait, what?" Peter yells, scrambling away form the advancing man. "Daddy, Papa! What's going on?" He asks with tears in his eyes.
"Ross, he's a kid. You can't send him to your barely legal raft because he's trying to make the world a better place." Steve tried to argue.
"Illegal is illegal, Rogers. Your son is an illegal mutant and needs to be detained." Ross states factually. "Either he comes with me willingly, or I get a couple agents down here to take him by force."
"I am not letting you take my son away from me." Tony all but growls.
"I'm sorry." Peter says quietly. "I'll go with you, General."
"See, the boy knows how things are supposed to go." Ross says with a victorious smile. "Up and at em boy, we have a long car ride ahead of us."
Peter hesitantly gets up and pulls on a pair of sweats. He keeps his head down in embarrassment and shame. His papa puts a finger under his chin to make Peter look at him.
"We are so proud of you, baby. You are an amazing hero and we are not mad at you in the slightest. Your dad and I are going to get you off of his raft and back home to us." He pulls Peter into a warm hug. "I love you, Bambi."
"Love you too, Papa." Peter whimpers.
"Let's go, Pete." Ross commands, and forcefully pulls the teenager out of his Papa's embrace and puts a pair of peer dampening handcuffs on him. As he pushes the teenager out towards the common room elevator, the rest of the Avengers team looks on in shock and anger.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Clint demands.
"Agent Barton, may I introduce the raft's newest occupant. Spider-Man." Ross taunts.
No one can say anything as they watch their youngest family member be ripped away from them.

Word Count: 1187

Thanks for reading!
xoxo spiderxmarvel

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