Chapter One

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Rowan's POV~

"So, are you gonna go?"

Savannah asks as I slam shut my locker. I shake my head in a hard no motion. She was referring to the party that was going on after school at Lionel's,  popular jock, house. "I don't all depends on Milo..." I say, shrugging my backpack over my shoulders. I hear Savannah's eyes roll behind her head as she sighs hard.

"Whatever girl, I'm just saying you should grow up and make your own choices in life. I never ask Christian's permission for anything." She says, her lips in a quirl as Christain comes up close behind her.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asks as we paddle down the hallway to the outside door. 

"Lionel's party, Rowan won't go unless Milo does." Savannah says, a bitchy tone in her voice. 

I sigh. "You guys know how he is..." I whimper soft.

My boyfriend Milo is extreme hard eye candy, and I was so lucky to catch him. Everyone in school crushed and slobbered all over him, and I was the lucky winner. Phph..yeah...lucky...he is extremely dominate...actually...I suppose it crosses the line to abuse...but it's just extreme dominance...[writers note-rowan is in denial about the abuse]  and I am his submissive. 50 Shades of Grey? I just wish it didn't hurt so bad...

"Like I said whatever. If you come without him, what's the worse he will do? Spank you?" She asks teasingly.

My cheeks blush crimson red. "Savannah, shut up!" I hiss.

Savannah only got the PJ version of the punishments and dominance I endure. To answer her question, it would be no simple 'spanking' but an ass beating with leather...would it be worth it? To go out and have fun...but then go to sleep with fresh welts and a burning bottom half of my body?? I think of this when we reach outside. Savannah slugs me in the shoulder.

"So, are you going?"

"I told you, it is up to Milo..."

Savannah rolls her eyes once more and shakes her head. "Okay, see you Monday." She says, taking Christian's arm and leads him away fro me. I stand there waiting for Milo's truck to pull up in the high school parking lot.

I was still in school, but Milo graduated already. He is nineteen, and I still the pure age of seventeen. 

A few moments later his tires tear up the lot. I open the passenger door and jump in. "How was school?" He asks, pulling out. 

I shrug. "It was fine...there is a party-" I begin but he interrupts me.

"I know already. I'm going tonight."

"Oh...I...I wanna go too." I whisper.

He laughs. "Really? YOU wanna go? No." He answers.

My cheeks flush. "But-but I want to go. I was invited, Milo." I argue. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I push his buttons without realizing's my mouth, it gets me into trouble and my bottom half and sometimes face have to suffer. I don't mean to, I just run my mouth when I shouldn't.

Milo looks at me. "No." He says deeply.

"But Milo-"


"I said NO goddamn, and I suggest you shut your fucking mouth unless you would like an ass licking for arguing with me, am I understood?!" 

Hot tears fill my eyes as I hold my cheek. I am silenced.

"I said, 'am I understood?!'"

I nod. "Ye-yes sir."

"Good." Milo focuses back on the road and starts the road toward my house. "Now I'm too pissed off to come inside with you, I'm just gonna drop you off and go to the party." He snaps.

I look at him and my bottom lip shakes. "But-but-" I whimper, wanting him to come inside my house with me and hang out. I know what you're thinking, but he just slapped you! Eh, but if I had just kept my mouth shut I wouldn't have gotten the hand.

"No you ruined it." He says pulling into my driveway. "Get out of my face, go do your homework and I'll see you tommororw." 

I slip out of the car and slam shut the door hard. I cross my arms and stare at him. His eyes fill with flames and he too gets out of the car. I gasp and run inside my house into my room.

His footsteps follow loud.

They get closer and my heart races. I hide under the covers.

Amazing protection, huh?

The covers are lifted and my leg stings from the lick of the belt buckle. I yelp and he slips on his belt back on and points at me stern. "Homework then dinner, shower then bed, you little brat."

I nod my head as I watch him leave, my arms crossed. When I hear his truck leave, I go to my closet and find an out...for the party tonight.

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