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When Mason "Dipper" Pines was 9 years old he came out as Transgender to his parents. His mother panicked and sent litt...
The ride through the small town was fairly..... well informative, Stan had told Mason about all the different people he knew. Stopping at a barber shop quickly. The biggest smirk sat upon Stans face as Mason got his hair cut.
"Alice is going to be so pissed"Stan said with the biggest smirk. Mason laughed in return nodding.
"Indeed she will. Not my problem though."mason quietly shot back as they walked out of the barber shop running his hand through his hair.
"So you have school in about a month and a half. We have to get those papers in by the end of the week or so, so your father can get them pushed through and or accepted quicker." The older Pine explained to the younger one. Driving quickly through town they shot into the woods on a semi badly maintained road, it took only about 10 minutes to get to a building that looked like it needed a fresh coat of paint and maybe some new tiling.
"This place is old, but its nice and an amazing store." Stan said smiling softly at he looks at the building adoringly. "Most people call me a con man. And they are not entirely wrong, I'll obviously teach you my trade."
"Your trade? Of being a con man?"Mason asked confused.
Stan nodded smirking"Of course!! It'll could help you get out of trouble, knowing how to smoothly talk your way out certain situation is always helpful!"
Mason laughed as they neared the 'Mystery Shack'."Alright Wise one."He said sarcastically."Teach me your Con Man ways."
As they pair walked into the Store they were met by a slightly heavy man named Soos. The man, Soos, Smiled and introduced himself to Mason and talked excitedly about a few things about the store and town. Mason nodded listening closely, eager to learn anything and everything about this mysterious shack and small town.
After the quick talk with Soos, Stan showed mason to his room. Which had been the spacious attic.
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Stan stood next to Mason. "I didn't really know how you would like to decorate it so I just some essentials.... You can change anything if you want. We will obviously get you more stuff."Stan scratched the back of his neck unsure about what to say to the nine year old.
Stan let out a squeak of surprise as a tiny body flew into him,"Thank you Uncle Stan. I am..... Thankful you took me in."
Stan laughed softly "Of course! do you think I was going to let you stay with that crazy Bitch?" Stan made a face of disgust at the idea of the wife of his nephew.
"I don't even know why your father married her...."Stan muttered thinking before chuckling. "I would say she was a witch but that would be insults to witches or any creature with magical ability's."
"Would it make me a bad son if i agreed with you?"Mason asked quietly unsure if he should have spoke at all. His thoughts turn dark as his mind yells at him that he is terrible and a useless freak. Not even realizing that he was looking down and holding his breath. Stan was kneeling in front of him.
"Mason, It is appropriate to agree with me. The way she spoke to you and the way she treated you, No parent should treat their child like that. Parents are meant to love and accept their children, to help and guide their child through life. Not to tear them down and treat them like shit!! What your mother did, was incredibly wrong and disgusting. Alice has always been a degenerative person. I Have never liked her, and to be truthful she is not cut out to be the mothering type. She has always been a judgmental person. Emphasis on mental. I will not let her continue to hurt you here, you are just a child, you shouldn't have to stress the way she is making you. I am here for you, so is Soos. We are family, no matter what. I hope you understand that."
Mason stood there in shock staring at his great uncle, nodding slowly."I....I understand.... Thank you"Mason broke down sobbing "T.....Thank you."
I couldn't remember if i had given the bitch a name so there it is Alice Pines.
Another update so i getting more teeth pulled on the coming up Monday.