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When Mason "Dipper" Pines was 9 years old he came out as Transgender to his parents. His mother panicked and sent litt...
The bus slowly moved forward its speed seeming sluggish as if the bus would fall apart if they went over 40 mph. Mason grit his teeth, hands shaking ever so slightly. Bill had analyze the long haired brunette, it was obvious the child was shaking. In fear or because of his nerves Bill knew not. Against his better judgement he spoke.
"Are you alright there Pinetree?" Mason had jumped whipping his head towards Bill, his eyes wide eyebrow risen to his hair line in question. Tilting his head slightly before he nodded slowly.
"I....yes Bill I am alright..... Why do you ask?" Mason continued to try and ignore the fact that he is still shaking.
"I can hear your nerves from here." Bill chuckled at the younger boy. "So what has you as skittish as a young mouse?"
Mason frowned "Are you telling me I'm....... mousy? I will have you know if I was like any animal I would be a hunter, not a prey. I would be a mighty bear thank you very much!!" Huffing as he crossed his arms glaring lightly at Bill.
A loud laugh erupted from Bill. "You are no predator! You would be the humble prey in the animal kingdom. I believe you would be a fawn. To young to be called a buck or a stag young one." Bill said with a smirk upon his hansom young face.
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((A/N: This is what human kid bill looks like except his eyes and outfit are different. They will be shown below)))
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((^^^^^^Bills eyes))
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((^^^^^^^^^^heres kid bills outfit))
Mason huffed greatly annoyed. "We are about the same age." grumbling.
Looking ahead as the bus continued to moving down the ever winding roads picking up some speed. The bus swerving every once in a while trying not to hit a pot hole and or person. The bus jumped as it hit a rather big pot hole, throwing Mason into Bill. Both boys grunted at the sudden jump. Mason hissed softly as his head bounced off the window his eyes flashing from their deep brown to a glowing unnatural blue before fading back into the darkest of browns.
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Bills eyes widen in shock as he looked at Mason. Wondering if what he saw was a fluke, but know it truly wasn't. He was meant to see the flash of unnatural power in the child's eyes. Bill had quickly realized that Mason has no idea why Bill is currently staring so intensely at his eyes.
"Sorry... ugh.... that pot hole must of been ground breaking." Bill huffed softly smirking at his pun.
"That was so bad I am tempted to go sit somewhere else." Mason laughed not even realizing that he was still practically sitting in Bills lap. A bright blush lit up Masons face "SORRY!!!" mason quickly got off Bills lap. Hoping (to no ad vile) that the seat would eat him whole.
The bus screeched to a stop in front of the only bus stop in Gravity Fall, Oregon. Mason slowly stood walking to get off the bus he turned to say goodbye to Bill. Only to not see the other boy anywhere in sight. Frowning so slightly Mason got off the bus waiting for the bus driver to get his luggage from under the bus.
Slowly Mason walked towards the man unsure whether or not this is really his great uncle. Mustering up all of the courage he had in his body and then some.
"Excuse me sir, are you by chance Stanley Pines?"
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The man turned his head to look at the 9 year old. A smile spread onto his face. "Yes Mason That'd be my fabulous name." The man chuckled slightly.
Mason smiled as Stanley helped him with his luggage putting it in the trunk of the car. Mason looked around see multiple people walking around on the side walks happily talking and joking around. Mason nodded having a feeling that his time here was going to be interesting.
TADA finished yet another chapter.
It may not be much and for that dear readers i am sorry. But i think i did pretty well xD i will hopefully be updating soon again,
but anyway quickie update.
Monday (3/4/19) I am getting 3 teeth pulled by the demons known as dentist. jkjkjk i like my new dentist hes awesome and so sarcastic.
If i do not update tomorrow Then dont expect another update till..... mmmm maybe Wednesday or thursday. The only reason i won't update tomorrow is either because im busy or i am mentally perparing my self for monday. (T.T)