death finds a friend (gaara/saskue love triangle)

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hi people this is just a text story at the moment to see how it turns out please let me know what you think so i no weather to delete or continue.. thanks luz ya all

i have been walking for a while now im coming up to konoha i think... unless im lost again lets face it my sence of direction is like a blind person in a maze. and that does not end well oh well. i see a gate uphead tha says...........konoha, yay my direction is getting better i walk up to the gate and see a man with a mask covering half his face and grey white gravity defiying hair, with him is a very loud blonde boy, a boy with raven black hair and what looks like a attitude, and a pink haired girl thats yelling at the blonde. i walk up to them. the raven looks at me first but just passes me off  "ummm excuse me could you please help me?" the man with the mask looks at me and nods "how can we help?" i shy away a bit "ummm im looking for the hokage i need to speak with him about important matters" the man nods sure we were about to leave but i notice another man with glasses and is quite chubby and smells of acohole the maked man turns to him and talks to him about something and the glasses guy just nods. "follow me and i will take you to him" the mask man instructs and i just nod" i see the others looking at me come to think of it they are about my age as well. "what about us" the pinket speaks up  "ill be back soon ok so just wait here" the mask man says and they all nod... they are very loyal. we walk away toward a tall building 

after about 5 minuets we arrive there and walk into what issume to be the hokage office "excuse me lord hokage but this girl requested to see you" the old man looks up at me and nods  " the mask man is about to leave till i grab his arm "please stay this may interest you as well" he looks up at the hokage and the old man nods "its ok kakashi" so that was his name kakashi interesting "my name is inori, i belong to no village neither do my people at my age we are sent to various villages to train and protect the village we are not assigned well most of us are not we get a few requests for protection which we grant and we do not take part in and unnessassery deaths but we had a few go rouge, any way we are knowen by many names but often as protectors and or death" the old man looks at me with wide eyed 

"i thought you were a legand" i shake my head 

"most do not tell out of fear and security, we do not want to be used as mear weapons but if the time comes we will protect our village" the old man nods " i will allow you to live in my village and you will be put on kakashi's team for now but when it comes to the chunin exams you will be alone" i nod " i understand your terms and request that no one out side of us know who i am unless i tell them or allow you to tell them " they both nod in agreement 

"when you get back i will give you the key to your appartment i will pay for the rent till after the exams and then you will pay by doing missions" i nod "im fine with that and i thank your kindness" he nods and me and kakshi leave and we walk back to the rest of kakashis group my white hair flows behind me with the black tips that transition to gray to white ( ok so if its not clear the top of her hair is white and transition to gray to a garker gray to black, so like shading) my hair ends just below my tailbone i have blue grey eyes my outfit is a knee length fighting kimono kinda like sakuras now that i think about it but  mine is black with silver rimming and while lilly pedles falling and the botten looks like night rippling water and black boots. 

we arrive at the front gate where the rest of my sapose team is. "why is she here?" the pinket speaks up  i look up at kakashi " are you going to tell them or should i?" he nods for me to tell them and i just sigh great " hi im inori and im going to be on your team till the exams so dont worry you wont have to put up with me very long" they all look at me " hokages orders " kakashi says they all nod "im sakura" the pinket says and i just nod " IM NAUTO, AND ONE DAY I WILL BE HOKAGE BELIVE IT " he is very strange " ohk umm are you always this loud?" he anime falls and just lies there and im not going to question it " im saskue "  i look at him "the last uchiha ?"  he frowns  " yeah" interesting this is going to very interesting " ok then nice to meet you all "  they all nod and saskue just hn's "hey if you are going to be like that i can always call you bad attitude if you like?" he looks at me with suprised "you cant speak to saske-kun like that" sakura shoutes at me. i look up at kakshi "how do you not have a head ache?" he takes out his ear buds "what" i smirk "gotta extra pair?" he nods and hands them to me. this is going to be a long trip

death finds a friend (gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now