is this feeling real?

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I woke up the next morning and see saskue still asleep and try to be as quite as possible getting dressed but it doesn’t seem to work I crash into everything, and turn arounded and see saskue looking at me. I look away “sorry for waking you” I try to continue getting ready but it I feel awkward with saskue in the room. “hn, I was awake anyways”. I sigh feeling slightly releaved I put my pants on and look at saskue over my sholder “umm could you please look away?” he nods and face plants his pillow, I sigh and take saskue’s shirt off and put my netted shirt then my kimono and tie up my hair “you can look now” I see him look up out of the corner of my eye and nod. I walk over to him and give him his shirt back “keep it till we leave, so you have something to sleep in” I nod and bow “thank you sas-kun”. He freezes and looks at me and I smile and put the shirt on my bed and walk to the door, just as I was about to open the door “why did you call me that?” I turn around and look at him “what do you mean?” he frowns and stands up and walks toward me only then did I relies he didn’t have a shirt on “you called me sas-kun” I smirk at him “I did, don’t you like it” he takes another step forward “ don’t tell me you’re a fan girl” I laugh and take a step forward as well “ no im not, but I can be if you want me to be” he shivers and I take another step forward, there is a bearly a centimeater between us “is that what you want sas-kun” he looks nervous “I don’t want you to be a fan girl, but I don’t care about the nickname as long as it stays between us” I nod and hug him “I can live with that sas-kun” he shivers and hugs me back, that actually surprised me.i pull back and look at him in the eyes “ you need to get ready” I turn around and look away. He grabs my arm “don’t tell anyone” I laugh “im not suicidal your fans would butcher and beary me if they found out” he chuckles, it’s the first time I have ever hurd him chuckle. I turn and face him if you want I can teach you some stuff I know that could help you and its also an excuse. He nods “we will start after breakfast” I walk out and close the door. Walking down the hall I notice a door open a bit and couldn’t help but be curious, I see a little boy sitting on a bed crying looking at a picture, I see sadness in his eye but leave  him be and I don’t want to make him angry.

I continue walking down the hall and end up in the dinning room and see sakura eating breakfast. She spots me and glares I sit down and eat my breakfast. She stares at me till saskue comes in “saskue-kun come sit next to me” he looks at her and take a seat the other side of me and begins to eat. She looks shocked and glares at me again, I just ignore her and continue eating. We were still eating when kakashi walks in “ok today we will start training” saskue looks at me and I nod. Saskue finished his breakfast and take my bowl and puts it on the bench. I stand up and walk out of the house saskue following me. Kakashi started yelling “where are you two going” I stop and look at him “to train” I continue walking, I hear sakura yelling “sas-kun why are you going with her” he turns around and looks at her “ because she offered and don’t call me that” she shrinks back, but I just smirk. We continue walking into the forest till I feel we are some where I like. I stop and saskue looks at me “this place is good enough” he frowns “what do you mean” I chuckle and look at him “ this is where we will train, today is chakra control” saskue sighs “I already no about chakra and stuff like that” I raise a eyebrow at him  “ so you can walk up a tree without using your hands” I focus and walk towards a tree and walk up it till im standing side ways. He hn’s and I chuckle. “ ok touch the tree” he frowns “what?” I sigh “just do it” saskue sighs and touches the tree and looks at me “now what?”

“close your eyes” saskue does and told “now feel the energy in the tree” he closes his eyes ad hn’s

“feel it?” he nods  “now walk away from the tree” he does as told “now focus the chakra to the bottem of your feet and try and walk up the tree, match the tree after practice it will be second nature” I walk up to him and blind fold him “now walk” saskue focuses and walks forward, he places his foot on and it cracks “focus match the tree” he nods and trys again and it sticks he places his other foot on and it sticks he trys moving his first foot again but falls “focus one foot at a time sas-kun you no your not going to get it first time but your doing good”

death finds a friend (gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now