Chapter Two

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Hey y'all! Long time no see, right? Here's the latest chapter for Beyond Her Colony. Don't worry, more parts are in the works, as well as my newest original storyline, Molly. Be sure to check it out if you like horror! But finish this chapter first. I'm so happy to say that I ended therapy happier than ever. I'm doing very well, and I'm working very hard to pump out more parts for this story specifically. Anyway, enjoy this part! Parts will be released every few weeks. With all this time in quarantine, I'm able to write a whole lotta parts for a whole lotta stuff. Anyway...I'm rambling a little bit, so enjoy this part and, don't forget, if you have any feedback, feel free to comment or send me a message!

     "This is the best part! She'll reveal her love for-" Steven began, but Peridot slapped him on the back of the head.

     "Steven, don't spoil it! Let Zani find out for herself!" She hissed, and a few moments later, Zani threw up her arms and laughed.

     "I knew she loved him! It was so obvious, too!" She chuckled, then looked down as me, Garnet, and Amethyst approached the barn. "Oh, your friends are here."

     "Steven? Peridot? Can you come down here, please?" I called up, and waited for the two to ride down on the piece of metal. I let Garnet explain the problem to the two.

     "Steven, we can't find Greg," She said, and Steven's face went pale. "We tried calling and looking for his van, but he's gone. Do you have any idea where he could be? Do you know why he might have left?"

     Steven was silent a moment. "N-no...he doesn't go anywhere without telling me. Why would he go away?" His eyes went wide. "Do you think the Diamonds did something with him?" He said a little loudly, and I noticed Zani glancing over. I kneeled down in front of Peridot, speaking quietly.

     "Do you think you could keep our new friend busy while we handle this?" Peridot nodded and returned to the metal platform as we led Steven away. "I don't think this has anything to do with the Diamonds, Steven. This is probably just some mishap. Maybe he was going to the grocery store and his van broke down."

     Amethyst leapt up from behind Steven, startling him. "Or maybe he was eaten by wild tigers!" She shifted into a tiger and rubbed up against Steven. Steven waved his hands.

     "No, no. I just can't help this bad feeling in my stomach that he was taken by Tanzanites."

     I stopped and whirled to Steven. "Don't lose hope so quickly, Steven! Greg is just fine, and we're going to find him! I'm sure he just went somewhere and his van broke down, like Garnet said."

     "I hope you're right."

     I couldn't bear to tell Steven that we'd already found his van on the side of the road, blood covering the driver's seat.


    "He's not anywhere in the city! I'm telling you, it's the Tanzanites! Why won't you believe me?" Steven slumped back into the couch, folding his arms and frowning.

     I looked to Amethyst and Garnet. They nodded. I had to tell him. I sat next to him and threw my arm around his shoulders. "Steven, we... already found Greg's van. It was in a ditch just outside Beach City, and the seat...w-well, it was covered in blood."

     Steven looked up to me with an expression that broke my invisible, nonexistent heart. Tears filled his eyes as he choked out, "Really?"

     I nodded. "I like to believe that he's not go-"

     Steven leaned into me and began sobbing uncontrollably. Salty tears filled my eyes, but just from the sounds and feel of his body shaking and moving up and down. I embraced Steven tightly and clenched my eyes shut. Greg was okay. He was fine. Right? He had to be.

     Amethyst came over, shifted into her cat form, and rubbed against Steven. Garnet lifted her hand to her visor, quickly rushing off to her room behind the door past the kitchen.

     I rubbed Steven's head. "We're going to find him. I promise. I'm sure he just got cut, and I'm sure he's fine."

     Steven leaned back and looked up at me. He was much older, I knew it, but his face looked childish. Pitiful. "How sure?"

     I breathed in, glancing at Amethyst, who shook her head. I then looked back to Steven. "Ninety nine point nine thousand percent sure."

     Steven was silent, and he then stood. "Excuse me, but I have to do something." He pushed past my legs and walked up the stairs, into his room. I glanced up and saw that he was staring at a photo of his father. I then turned to Amethyst.

     "How are we going to fix this? We have no leads on where Greg is!" I spoke quietly.

     Amethyst shifted to her regular form, speaking quietly as well. "I know, Pearl. I want to go check the van again, but...I don't think I can go back there, man! What if we..." She gasped. "Wait! We do have a lead!"

     My eyes widened. "W-wha...well feel free to share it with me!"

     "Remember that thing that cracked Peridot's gem? Maybe that's connected to what's going on with Greg!"

     I nodded, rubbing my chin. "That's a good thought. I can also question Zani. Something about that gem doesn't click right with me, even though she's easygoing and relatively easy to talk to."

     "That's just her vibe, man." Amethyst put her hands behind her head, leaning back. "Zani is one cool dudette."

     "You've already met her?"

     "Uh, duh! She's been here a few days and Steven hasn't been able to stop talking about her! I think our little Steven has a crush." She waved her hands. "But not the point. I'll go back to the kindergarten with Peridot, you go ask Zani a few things. Garnet...I have no idea what Garnet can do right now. I think Steven has to be alone for a little."

     I agreed. Rather than sadness for Greg, anger built in my body. I could practically feel my face heating up with my rage, and I didn't just hate the Tanzanites; I utterly despised them. I was going to tear each and every one of them apart, and I was going to slowly and painfully melt their gems in the hottest substance I could find, I was going to slam their heads into every surface I could find, I couldn't even comprehend how I was going to destroy each and every one of them  because I was so, unbelievably angry.

     If Greg was dead, they'd pay. And if he was alive...I would launch myself into space and locate everyone they ever cared about, everyone they ever worked with, and murder them until the leaders of the Tanzanite army got on their knees and begged me to forgive them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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