Detention, Desmention

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Well shit... shitty mcshitterson... Blue looked around the vacant school cafeteria for his stupid bitch of teacher. Mrs. Whats-her-face had given him detention for decking some little punk freshmen during passing period yesterday and he was in for another boring lecture on restraining his notoriously poor temper. Usually Blue simply avoided the unpleasant encounter with her by just not showing up after school and blending into the throng of students when he passed by her classroom. However, Dad had finally gotten enough nasty emails from the school counselor to actually notice that his son wasn't being a perfect angel at school (like some other asshole brothers he knew) and so now Blue actually had to make an appearance. The problem was that habits are hard to break and he had completely forgotten about being responsible or whatever. So, he had driven home after school and taken his usual nap. That is until his brother Red came in and kindly reminded him about it well past 2:45 when Blue was supposed to be there. What a load of help that was. He had rushed back to school in fear of Dad's wrath if he got another email about Blue skipping detention again. Which Blue thought would be pretty unfair considering that he HAD actually intended to show up, he just had a bad memory on top of his bad temper. However, the clock read 4:33 and the place was empty. Shit...
What was he supposed to do now? Go back and wait for Dad to come home and say, "Heh, heh, funny story dad... I kinda forgot to go to detention today. But it was an accident! I swear!" Dad would never believe him plus it wasn't Blue's style. Damn it. He searched the empty hallways for some sort of teacher-looking person that he could explain himself to. Blue wasn't feeling optimistic about finding a teacher but hey the doors were all unlocked so someone still HAD to be here or else he'd be soooo dead.
   Finally, after Blue had about combed the entire school he ran into the old haggard janitor in a back hall. He noticed the janitor appeared to be cleaning up some sketchy looking puddle off the wall. Yuck. Okay, Blue focus... "Hey," he called out, "hey, you! Can you tell me where I can find a teacher?" He'd given up on finding Mrs. What's-her-face because she probably, being the bitch that she was, had gone home already and sent a message to Dad so at this point he'd settle for any teacher that could vouch for him. Not that that was very likely considering his school reputation for being an asshole.
   The janitor didn't respond. That was kinda annoying. He repeated himself louder this time and walked over to him. The old man finally noticed him and stared at him dumbly. Apparently the guy was hard of hearing or just really stupid. Um, yeah okay... so did he yell louder at the guy? People told him that his yelling was intimidating though so he figured it'd just scare the guy. Fine, whatever, who cared? "Hey, Mr. Janitor do you know if any teachers are here?" He said it as loud as he could without yelling and carefully pronounced each word slowly with exaggerated hand motions.
   It seemed to work because the guy finally responded, "If yer looking for some'un, I'm all that's left here t'night." Great. Just great. He was alone in the school with a half deaf janitor and no way to get himself out of this mess. As if Dad wasn't already pissed off at him enough. He'd go home and have to listen to Dad go on and on about "Why can't you just act more like Green? Green is responsible. Green never gets into any trouble. Green this, Green that, yatta yatta yatta..." Stupid fucking Green. Just once Blue would love to pay to see Green do something not perfect. Personally, Blue didn't get it. Green was boring and nothing he did was that extraordinary yet Blue and his other brothers were constantly overshadowed by the apparent ethereal light that emanated out of Green's ass.
   He gave up and went back. Blue hoped that Dad wouldn't come home tonight. He sometimes didn't. Dad was a high up in a huge business downtown and sometimes he'd stay there working all night or take week long work trips now that his sons were old enough to fend for themselves. If Blue was lucky it would just be him and his three brothers at the house tonight.
   He pulled up the driveway to their large, stately abode. It was a beautiful house. They lived in an upscale neighborhood where it seemed to be a competition between the inhabitants about who could manage to keep the most perfect lawn. There were "keep off the grass" signs littered about the handsome sidewalks. Blue's house was one of the oldest and biggest in the place so naturally the stakes were high for them to keep it in flawless condition lest they lose the unofficial competition. Big cars, white picket fences, tall hedges, it was the perfect cookie-cottage kind of place. And Blue hated every bit of it. There were way too many bad memories here that he'd rather not dwell on.
   The garage was empty. Thank the goddess, Dad wasn't home yet. He'd have time to prepare his argument for when the fight happened. And Blue was positive there would be one. Dad was a good sort of person all moral, strict, and whatever but he never knew how to deal with his four sons when they misbehaved. Well, really only Blue. Green, Red, and Vio weren't natural troublemakers.
   It was past 5:00 now and Red was humming happily in the kitchen making some good-smelling meal. He had become the assigned chef of the house as no one else could so much as boil water without starting a house fire. Really Red was kinda like the mother of the household. He did most of the cleaning, all of the cooking, and was the only one that asked how you're day had been. He was just too nice sometimes and just a little too perky for Blue's taste.
   Green was doing his homework at the table because he just had to be fucking perfect all of the time while Vio was curled up on the couch's corner engrossed with an insanely long and boring looking book.
   "Thought you had detention today," Green commented looking up from his work, "seems a little late to be getting back don't you think? Or did you skip out again?" Blue had to resist the urge to slap the condescending smirk off of Green's stupid face. "Says who?" He inquired instead figuring he already knew the answer. Green stared at him like some sort of disappointed father looking at his juvenile delinquent of a son, "Says Red. You know you really should just go. Then maybe you'd learn your lesson and quit hitting everyone you talk to." That comment irked Blue, he didn't hit EVERYONE he talked to, just the people that needed it and that little twerp had asked for it.
   He bit back a retort and instead focused on the fact that he was hungry. "Whatcha making, Red?" He needed a distraction plus his stomach was growling.

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