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~Yoongi's Focus~
" What is it this time?" Yoongi asked as he plopped in the red uncomfortable chair that was placed in the principle's office. He squirmed in his seat and the principle fixed his glasses rubbing his nose out in frustration in the process.
" You know what you did, Yoongi." He said clearly annoyed with the student's behavior.
" Do I?" Yoongi smirked knowing all to well what he did to wind up once again in the office. He's been there so often that he memorized the principles coffee order when he would make it. He's gotten so many detentions that his normal school day would be two hours longer than normal students.
" Don't play dumb." The principal said glaring at the boy. Yoongi shrugged and laid back in his seat as he watched the man take out his records. "This is the last straw." Yoongi rolled his eyes. They would always say that but would never act on their word. It was just an empty threat. "Yoongi, you've been caught smoking in the bathrooms, skipping school, you've gotten into numerous fights with other students and now you vandalized school property?"
"I call that art Mr. Wang" Yoongi stayed nonchalantly
"Spray painting 'suck my ass' over the schools gate is not art Mr. Min." He said narrowing his eyes. He took off his glasses and placed them on the desk. "This is your final warning"
"Hmhmm." Yoongi said throwing his arm around the edge of his chair. "You say this every time Mr.Wang. I started to think you have a crush on me since you always call me down here."
"Okay." He replied ignoring the ridiculous comment he made. "Let's do something about it this time then."
Yoongi's smirk only grew. He the man wouldn't do much. He would probably get a slap on the wrist or a suspension, which he wouldn't mind at all. What can they do? His mother is the schools director so he always managed to dodge the punishment. "You're expelled Yoongi"
"Excuse me?" Yoongi scoffed and crossed his arm. "You can't do that, I don't think my mother would be very fond to hear that."
"That's right, which is why you'll be the one to tell her." He said and motioned the phone towards him.
Yoongi sat there, arms crossed and glaring at the man in front of him, for five minutes before he gave in. "Fine"
"Hm?" The principal smirked knowing he won the fight. "Fine what?"
"I'll do whatever community service you have in store." Yoongi sighed. The principal smirked, knowing he won.
"Well let's see," he said as he flipped threw to pages. "Ahh here we go, we have been short on volunteers for our special kids. So I would like you to help out and tech them." Said the principal.
"You want me to work with  speds?" Yoongi harshly spit out and the principal's eyes darkened.
"Yoongi!" He snapped and the aforementioned shut hus mouth. "You better learn to control ehat you say. I care about all my students and I would kindly appreciate it if you don't talk about them like that."
"Whatever you say, Mr. Wang." Yoongi said and the man rolled his eye's. "What do you want me to do again?"
"I want you to help out there, you know, help teach them some math and grammar, just help wherever you can"
"And when will I be doing this?" He asked. "My after-school schedule is pretty pavked with detentions and ya know, life, so where will this fit in?"
"You will help out during your free period." He explained. "Lunch too"
"You want me to starve?" Yoongi asked raising an eyebrow. "Yoongi." He said in a threatening tone. "Enough with the sass. You will eat lunch in the classroom with the students."
"Gee, you really don't want me to have a social life." He mumbled. "How many students are there?"
"Five." He said and Yoongi groaned. "Oh, quit whining. I just want you to look after this student named Park jimin, who seems to need a bit more attention that others."
"Look after?" Yoongi repeated. "What am I adopting thus kid or something?"
"Just get to class." The principal said and threw a new schedule across the table. "Starting tomorrow, you will tend to this class whether you like it or not." Yoongi groaned as he exited the office, keaving the door wide open.

"You have to help the sped class?" Taehyung asked cracking up. "Damn Yoongi, you've sure done it now."
"Shut it." Yoongi threatened but Tae ignored and continued to throw his head back laughing.
"When do you start?" Jungkook asked looking up from his phone.
"Tomorrow." He groaned and rested his head in his arms. "Sounds fun."
"What's your schedule now?" Tae asked and grabbed the paper from the boy's bag.
It read:

7:00-8:00 Period 1: Math with Mr. Thomas
8:00-9:00 Period 2: English with Mr. Kim
9:00-10:00 Period 3: Music with Ms. Jeon
10:00-10:30 Lunch with the class
10:30-11:30 Period 4: Gym with Mr. Bryun
11:30-12:30 Period 5: Chemistry with Mrs. Han
12:30-1:30 Volunteering at the class
1:30-2:30 Period 6: Korean Lit. with Mrs. Smith

"Don't forget detention until 4:30." Yoongi mumbled and Tae giggled again. "Damn, guess Mr. Wang wants to make sure you won't have time to break any more rules." Tae joked as he handed the paper to Jungkook. "Guess so."
"What does he want you to do?" Jungkook asked scanning the paper. "He want me to look after this Jimin kid." He answered.
"What's wrong with him?" Tae asked and Yoongi shrugged. "No clue."
The bell finally rang signaling the school day was over. The three boys got up from their positions on top of the roof (they were skipping, seeing no reason to stay in class) and wentdown the stairs.
"Bye Bye Yoonie~." Taehyung sang as he and Jungkook left the school building. Yoongi wavedback and madehis way to the detention room.

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