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A day passed and the dreaded time to go help the special class has come. Yoongi reluctantly walked into the classroom with his bag over his shoulder and jacket to his side.

"Ah!" The teacher's aid, who he now knows of as Seokjin, said as he came up to him. "Yoongi right?" Yoongi nodded his head and took the handshake Jin offered. "I'm Sekojin but you can call me Jin for short. Um, Jimin's sitting by the window eating lunch. Why don't you join him?"

Again Yoongi nodded and walked over to the small boy who was munching on dried carrots. He plopped down in the empty seat beside him but Jimin didn't even spare him a glance. It wasn't until Yoongi cleared his throat that he look up but not a second later he looked back down at his mashed potatoes.

Yoongi scoffed and crossed his arms above his chest. "You know it's rude not to greet someone."

"M-Morning," Jimin mumbled and took a bite out of one of his grapes.

Five minutes have passed of silence between the two and Yoongi put his headphones in to block out Jiming's obnoxious chewing. Yoongi was listening to BIGBANG's Loser and subconsciously humming along when a small hand tapped his shoulder. He took off one of his headphones and turned his head to see an apple being shoved at his face. "Wha-?"

"Y-You don't h-have l-lunch," Jimin said and motioned towards the fruit. "Yo-you'll be h-hungry."

Yoongi stared at the red apple then back at Jimin then at the apple. He was right, he didn't bring a lunch today because he forgot to pack one this morning and didn't have any money to buy from the cafeteria. He was planning to just survive through the day on an empty stomach and so far it's been working."I'm not hungry kid." Yoongi said and as if on cue, his stomach growled loudly. Jimin placed the apple on his desk with hopeful eyes. Yoongi sighed and took a loud bite out of the fruit and a large box-shaped smile formed on Jimin's mouth.   


"Ughhhh" Yoongi whined as he was being dragged to the class by Mr. Kim. "I don't want to go!"

"Well you are and that's final." Mr. Kim snapped and stopped by the door. He let go of the boy's sleeve and watched as Yoongi dusted himself off and glared at him. "Now go in and help them like you're supposed to." He said and Yoongi clicked his tongue. "Oh and, you'll be staying after for detention. Not just any old punishment though, you've got to come back here and help clean out the classroom."

"You can't make me do that!" Yoongi yelled, eyes narrowing at the older and his arms crossed. "That's child abuse."

"No, it's not." Mr. Kim said and rubbed his tired eyes. "Look Yoongi, it's either that or I tell Mr. Wang you were smoking on the roof again." It was free period and Jungkook was supposed to be helping the class as his directions said, but instead, he went upstairs to the roof to smoke some weed. He had a huge headache from Jungkook and Taehyung arguing when they skipped fourth period (which was chemistry and he wasn't the greatest fan, hence why he decided to skip). They were fighting about useless thing like who can rap better or dance better. They kept rapping really fast lyrics and dancing so much it made his head spin. Smoking was the only thing he thought of to clear his mind. At least instead of going back to their useless bickering, he could focus on how the blunts were slowly killing him.

He didn't want to get caught. He would get suspended but thinking on it now, he wouldn't really mind. It's beat coming here and help some kid in his opinion. Then again, his dad was planning to stay the whole school year to make sure he doesn't step out of line and he really didn't have the energy to fight him right now.

"Fine." He said and Mr. Kim opened the door wide open for the student. "Oh, Namjoon!" Jin said and ran to his boyfriend. He threw his arms around his neck and Namjoon did the same to his waist. They embraced each other for a minute and Yoongi had to keep himself from gagging.

While he was trying not to puke, he noticed that Jimin was sitting on the carpet by the bookshelf. He had Beauty and the Beast in his hands and was attempting to read, only that he was holding it upside down. He walked over to the aforementioned and sat in front of him. Like usual the younger didn't notice until Jungkook did something to catch his attention, this time being grabbing the book from his hands.

"H-Hey!" Jimin said and tried to get his precious book back. "G-Give it b-back!" "Why?" Yoongi asked and glanced at the book. The boy was "reading" the part where Bell finds out about the beast and sacrifices herself for her father. "It's not like you can read anyway." Suddenly he heard soft sobs and put the book down to find Jimin crying, tears falling down his cheeks and lower lip quivering. He must have hit a hard topic because the younger was now wailing as Yoongi had tried to calm him down."Shh." Yoongi tried to soothe him but it only made him cry louder which got the attention of some of the other students. "Okay okay! Here take the book!" That action made Jimin stop wailing, only it didn't stop the tears. "Why are you still crying?" He groaned. Jimin looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. "C-Can't r-re-read." He sniffled."R-R-Read f-for m-me?"

"No," Yoongi said bluntly and the water-works come on again. "Shh!" He didn't want one of the teachers to see Jimin crying. They would probably blame it on him, though it was kind of his fault, and tell Jin. Jin would tell Namjoon and Namjoon would probably tell Mr. Wang, who wouldn't mind suspending him on the basis that he was picking on him.

"Everything okay here?" Jin asked walking over to the two. He bent down to Jimin and scooped him up in his arms. In return, Jimin buried his nose in the crook of his neck. "Baby, why are you crying?" Yoongi was quick to think on his feet. "Uh, he got to a really sad part in the book." He lied like it was his second language, which it might as well be. "The part where Gaston stabs the beast." Jin made an 'O' shape with his mouth and ruffled the boys dirty blond hair. "Why don't you read something a bit happier pumpkin?" Jin suggested and pulled out a interactive picture book titled "Bizzy Bear Fun On The Farm".

"You wouldn't mind reading it to him, right Yoongi?" Jin said and Jimin looked up from his position with glossy eyes.

"No." He sighed and he could practically see the joy that sprang in Jimin's eyes.

He grabbed the book and opened it to the first page. Jimin wiggled under his arm and rested his head on Yoongi's chest so he could get a better view of the farm animals. Yoongi was about to scold the younger but a glare shot from Namjoon changed his mind. He sighed and started to read the book aloud.

"Bizzy bear, Bizzy bear, off you go. Bizzy bear, Bizzy bear, day 'Hello'." He said mindlessly and was about to flip to the next page when Jimin stopped him. He pointed to the little switch engraved in the page. He sighed and pushed the switch up which revealed a group of three pigs that were "hidden" behind the gate.
"Bizzy Bear, Bizzy Bear, What do you see?" He continued and pulled a tab revealing three little ducklings following their mother. "Bizzy Bear, Bizzy Bear, One, Two, Three."
"Bizzy Bear, Bizzy Bear, eggs for you, Bizzy Bear, Bizzy Bear..." He pushed another switch that showed a hen and some chickens. "Cock-a-doodle-do."
That caused Jimin to let out a small giggle and Yoongi subconsciously smiled at the sound. The two continued with the book till the very end and once they finished they went to another, and another, and another until the bell rang signaling free period was over.
He grabbed his bag from the ground and was about to leave the room when a sudden tug at his sleeve stopped him.
"Jimin has something to say" Jin said and ushered him over and gave him a small shove. "Go on"
"T-Th-Thanks Yoon..." he mumbled and fiddled with his fingers.
"What's that?" Yoongi teased with a small smirk playing on his lips. The stuck up little kid was actually going to thank him for something as simple as reading and he wanted to savor every word. "Can't hear you"
"T-Thanks Y-Yoon-Yoongibear!" he said quickly and ran away, cowering to his little corner back by the bookshelves.
Yoongi was taken back for a moment. He didn't expect the sudden nickname. Yeah Tae has called him that before but hearing it from the younger was surprising. The kid had never actually said his name before. He smiled and gave one more glance to Jimin , who had hos nose dug in a picture book that was, once again, upside down.
Sorry I have been lacking, I've been busy with school but I'll try and update at least twice a week

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