Welcoming Sun

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Alex is sitting on the balcony of our new home, sipping a steaming coffee as the sun begins to rise. I watch as his eyes scan over the blurry colors that surround him. The birds are chirping awake, the grass is glimmering with dew, and the air was calm and cool to the skin. It was finally perfect, finally a time I could relax and focus on the future. It was an every morning occurrence and I could not be more grateful.

"You really suck dick, I hope you know," Alex bluntly announces. I look at him, shocked and forcing my laughter down.

"W-What? Where'd that come from?" He turns to me face serious, seriously holding back a grin.

"You got an apple tree instead of a peach tree like I wanted." His voice is soft and playful, but oh shit. I did. Alex was so excited, given the amount of land we have, to grow peaches for all kinds of dishes. He has taken a liking to cooking and baking, so he figured the obvious thing to do was start gardening too.

"Well," I would be lying if I didn't say I felt a little guilty, "maybe we can get a peach tree still? There's plenty of room and I like apples. I can always throw some into Zack's yard to piss him off." I am rewarded with a giggle from Alex. His voice was sweet enough for me. Oh, Zack did move down here with us after a few months of saving. He even found the place next door as the perfect match.

"You got it all figured out, Jack. Zack will definitely love the apples too." He turns his face into the sun, blanketing him with its warmth now. He was smiling, glowing. His engagement ring glistened in the light reminding me that I did not exactly have it all figured out. Everything was finally amazing, yes, but I still needed to marry Alex for it to be officially perfect. It has been five months since we have been down here, living together, but no wedding plans. There is no better time than a lazy Saturday for planning.

"Not everything," I retort to an Alex now dozing off. So fucking adorable. He rises his resting head back up and turns to face me, grinning like he knew. I would not be surprised if this man had super mind reading powers, honestly.

"Like what?"

"Like the wedding. That ring looks beautiful on you, but I'm ready to have one myself you know." He shakes his head, his long brunette hair waving across his bare shoulders.

"That's all you want? A ring on your finger? Well damn, I thought I might've been a little special." I roll my eyes and get up to sit in his lap. He protests a little with a grunt, adjusting himself so he is more comfortable.

"You're hella special, asshole. That's why we need to get to planning. I want that ring because it unifies us, babe. I wanna strut our sexy asses as Mr. and Mr. Gaskarth or Barakat. That's another thing we need to decide on, by the way." I poke his chest playfully, nuzzling my head into his neck. He begins mindlessly tracing his fingertips along my back.

"Well that I don't know, Mr. Barakat." He looks at me to smile his signature goofy smile. He brushes his fingers against my stubbly cheeks.

"Then lets get to it, Mr. Barakat," I playfully remark. It did not matter to me who got whose last name, just that it was us getting married. I could not see a life without this hopeless, yet completely hopeful man. He is hopelessly a goof ball, but so intelligent and ambitious. He gets whatever he wants in the end, just like his progressing music career and me.

"I'm gonna have to hire the wedding planner, aren't I?" He pokes back at me, leaning to softly kiss on my face now.

"Yes, because I know nothing of the sort. You're the one getting to know all sorts of people these days." I brush my face against his lips until ours finally meet, slow and soft. Alex was more than a writer now, he was slowly becoming a singer too. Artists from all over wanted his songs, back up vocals, and whatever they could get. It meant time away from him, but he quickly found something he loves as much as the hospital. Sometimes I was invited to the social events, but I was definitely not a part in the fancy music scene.

"Maybe you're right, I could contact Ri and see what he might know." Suddenly I was being picked up and carried into the house. I wrap my arms around Alex who is chuckling, holding me close and protectively. He walks us into the living room at the front of the house as the door bell rings. He settles me back onto my feet and awkwardly walks towards the door. I walk with him, not remembering anyone saying they were coming over.

Alex opens the door and is greeted by a man standing with a smile. He was in dark jeans, black shirt, and a deep red jacket.

"Alex Gaskarth?" the man questions back and forth between us, eyes trying to decide who is Alex. We look at each other confused before I step up to the door feigning a happy attitude.

"That'll be me," I try to proudly announce. This was all too strange and sudden to be confident. Alex steps back a little from the door, the mans eyes stuck on him. Shit. He knows.

"I have something for you, Alex." He was not even acknowledging my presence once he figured it out. His voice was cold, punctuated, but somehow cheery. He reached into his back pocket, but before my body could completely cover Alex a shot was fired.

"Carson will be so happy I found you," his excited tone echos through the house along with the bang. All I could feel was numb, all I could see was the figure disappearing as both our bodies hit the floor. The sun's rays came in through the door, the only warmth in this suddenly cold situation. As my head clashes too hard with the tiled floors, my eyes became lost in darkness. When will it end?

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