mark 🤭

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Her heart pounded against her chest, as she leaned against the tree, to catch her breath before she continued. y/n knew she couldn't stay here or he'd find her. She licked her dry lips, and gripped the flashlight tighter. She couldn't use it too much, or he'd see the light and that would be the end of it. She'd loose. She snuck a quick glance around the tree that was giving her cover. She couldn't see anyone, but then again the night sky wasn't paying her any favors. She took a deep breath and pushed herself off the tree and continued on.

"Looking at me through your window Boy, you had your eye out for a little."

As soon as Mark Jefferson left his the classroom, the soft sound of music reached his ears. He glanced down the hall, and saw light flooding into the hallway. After locking up he headed towards where he saw he heard the noise coming from as he got closer to the classroom, he could better understand the music, it was that new age stuff he isn't much into, not that he hates it all he just prefers the classical music. Mark paused in front of the door, and looked thru the window pane to see who was there, and a small smile spread around his face. It was one of his more talented students.

y/n l/n

He stood there for a moment, just watching her, in the Life Drawings classroom clearly working on something art related, clearly obvious to anything else around her. Her head slightly moving to the music at times. How he wish he could take photos of her, now would be the perfect opportunity. He pulled the door open wider and stepped into room, before giving a short cough to let her know he was there.
Mark watched as she turned around, an instant smile on her face when she saw it was a familiar face.
"Oh, Hi Mr. Jefferson, are you leaving now?" She asked, standing up to pack up her work.
"In fact I am, I assume Ms. Taylor said you could stay after classes ended?" he asked, slowly heading towards her. y/n nodded. "Yes, since I missed the week, she said I could finish up my piece in here instead of the dorms, but had to leave when the last teacher was heading out."
"Ah, that was kind of her, speaking of homework. You haven't handed in your photo for the 'Everyday Heroes Contest' either." He told her.
"Oh, I have that for you here." Sara commented, rifling thru her shoulder bag, to find the right envelope. "Here." She finished handing him the picture. "Thank you" with that he opened the envelope, to see the picture she submitted. It was a picture of a daycare worker, holding a crying child, trying to comfort them. It was a very emotional photo. Very well done.
  "You're Welcome." She gave him a small smile. "I'll just pack up, and then you can get out of here."
Mark gave a light laugh. "It does feel like I spend a lot of my time here at Blackwell."

y/n brushed some brown hair away from her face as she pushed off the tree she was hiding behind, her green eyes darting around the dark forest. Her eyes had adjusted but it didn't help her see any better. She wasn't going to let him win. "Come out, come out wherever you are." The familiar voice of Mark Jefferson rang out thru the night air as y/n began a small jog that quickly escalated into a full out run, as her heart hammered in her chest with every step she took, the twigs and brush, scratching at her bare legs. y/n let out a short cry, as she went flying towards the ground, not knowing what she'd tripped over. Spitting the dirt out that she'd just eaten, y/n wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before she felt around for the flashlight she'd dropped, her knuckles coming in contact with cold metal casing of the flashlight. y/n grinned and pushed herself of the ground.
  She was going to have to turn it on unless she wanted to keep tripping, which would more than likely result in getting herself killed, clicking the flashlight on she keeping going forward.

Mark smirked, as a sudden glow illuminated not too far off from him. He knew he just had to be patient because there was no way anyone was going to go far without a light, with that he speed up his stride in the direction he'd seen y/n go.

"Rolling down your tinted window driving next to me, real slow"

y/n let out a grumble of frustrations as her car came to a stop.
"No, don't do this!" She yelled angrily at the car who was obviously not going to answer back, as she slammed her fist against the steering wheel. She sighed out and leaned her head against the back rest on car seat. This wasn't what she needed right now. It was getting late and all she wanted to do was go back to the dorms and sleep forever. Which wasn't going to happen anyway as she'd have to get up for class the next day, but a girl can dream. Sara leaned over into the passenger seat to grab her faux leather brown shoulder bag, and rummaged around for her cell phone, to call for a tow truck because she didn't know a thing about cars, and if she started playing around under the hood of the car, she knows she'd just messed it up more. Pulling out her cellphone, she looked down at the screen, clicking the top button of her iPhone and realizing it wasn't going on.
She gripped the phone tightly when she realized it was dead. Today wasn't her day. She stuffed it back into her bag before leaning over to the backseat and grabbing her camera. There was no way she was leaving that here while she walked back the Blackwell Academy. She saved up good money for that camera. As she got out the car the cool October wind blew past her, making her zip up her jacket more before closing the car door and locking it.

She stuffed her keys into her bag and glanced down the road. The sun was just coming down over the mountains, making it a great shot for a photo. y/n pulled the camera to her face, snapping the picture once she found the best spot. She glanced down at the screen to see if she was satisfied with. She was, and with that made her way down the road. y/n figured it had been roughly about half an hour since she started walking, and civilization was nowhere to be found yet, as she'd gone almost to the edge of Acadia Bay.

Why? Pictures of course.

It made sense when she went out there in the first place. As time went on, cars pasted her, Sara tried to flag them down but to no avail. The next car that went by her, Sara had given up trying to catch anyone's attention, but the same car came back, driving next to her real slow, before stopping. A tinted window rolled down.

"y/n?" A familiar soothing voice called out.

y/n looked over at who had called her name. It was Mark Jefferson, her photography teacher. Excuse me, her very attractive photography teacher.

"Hi, Mr. Jefferson."
"What are you doing out here this late?" He asked, in that voice that made all the girls go crazy, and she had to admit she thought so too, but wasn't as open about it. That was her only little secret.
"My car broke down, so I'm walking back to the dorms." "Why don't I give you a ride back, it's no trouble." He said, giving her a friendly smile.

Sara smiled brightly, beaming with happiness, thankful that she didn't have walk all the way back. "Oh that would be wonderful, thank you!" She said, before going around the passenger seat and getting in.

Nothing to worry about right?

It was only Mr. Jefferson.

y/n stumbled into what she made out as a parking lot as she continued to keep running. She could hear footsteps getting closer and licked her lips .

"Running through the parking lot he chased me and he wouldn't stop"

"y/n," Mark called, "I will tag you." He said stepping over one of the cement parking blockades an amused glint in his eye, as he watched her continue down the parking lot.

"Little bit of poison in me."

"Only if you can catch me." y/n called out into the darkness as she stood in the middle of the parking lot. Her flashlight darting everywhere as she tried to see where he'd gone. A lazy grin formed on her face as she caught her breath. The feeling of being chased by him thrilled her, and has for the past few weeks now. He'd awoken something in her that was more than just in her drawings, or a photo she could take.

y/n let out a light laugh and started to run as she saw him stepping into the parking lot, not long before hearing his running footsteps behind her. In one swift movement, he'd reached out a hand and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her closer to him. y/n let out a yelp of surprise as she slammed into his chest. Her heart pounding, as she could feel his arms wrap around her waist pulling her even closer. The smell of his cologne intoxicating her. 

"Tag you're it." He whispered into her ear.

"You've reached the end, you are the winner." 

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