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"Good morning, Stef! how are you feeling? You finally got some sleep?"

"Good morning, Natali! I continue the same shit! Nothing make me better! I guess by counting the naps all night, I must have slept for about two hours, and that just makes my situation worse."

Stefani's face was swollen from crying, with deep dark circles and a look that made anyone's heart pound. From the morning after the night she and Bradley argued, all the stress and sadness were somatized by her body starting into an intense fibromyalgia crisis.

Since then, this is the fourth day that Stefani has had severe body aches. Her entire schedule of appointments has been postponed and a team of professionals try to alleviate Stefani's symptoms.

"Oh my sister, if you only knew how much it cuts my heart to see you like this.  I would do anything to stop your pain." Natali said with tears in her eyes.

"Nat, I really do not know what's worse ... the physical pain in every muscle in my body in spasms or the emotional pain of a broken heart. And I know I can't improve the spasms until I'm psychologically well, you know? I'm in a fuck cycle that does not stop spinning." Stefani started crying.

"You have to solve this misunderstanding with Bradley, Stef!"

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"You have to solve this misunderstanding with Bradley, Stef!"

"I tried. Even though he made it clear that I shouldn't call, the next day I called him a million times, left a message and nothing. Then my pains began. On the second day I called again and he keptn't answering me. The pains were getting worse and now I just don't know what to do. My team has tried everything" Stefani still spoke in tears

"Did you try calling his mother?"

"I'm not going to involve Gloria in all this. I love her so much, she doesn't deserve to be bothered by it."

"Maybe it's not uncomfortable for her to help her daughter-in-law and her son, Stef."

"No, Natali! I'm not going to beg Bradley putting his mom in the middle of our argument."

"Okay, what can I do then?"

"Get my medicine, please! It's time!"

The rest of the day Stefani passed along with her team of professionals, all trying to ease her pain. Natali updated her parents about her sister's condition and they were worried. Everybody were.


Bradley was in New York. He had to travel the next day after the discussion with Stefani and was grateful to have enough work to occupy his mind. He couldn't stop remembering Carino kissing his Stef. He was so hurt that he didn't feel ready yet to answer her calls. It would be better this way, he giving himself time to put his head in place and think better then what will happen to the relationship. There was only one problem: he was dying dying of longing.


At night, Stefani had to take sleeping pills. She could not stand the whole crisis any longer and just wanted to have her love on her side by hugging her and saying she would pass.

Dia seguinte - quinto dia de crise

Stefani woke up with more pain than the days before, was so strong that she began to scream. This pain she had never felt before, it was not with a muscle spasm. Her abdomen ached as if it were a severe colic. His lower back also started to hurt.

At the sound of Stefani's screams, Natali ran to see what was happening.

"Stef? Oh my God, what are you feeling?" Natali was frightened by her sister's suffering.

"Nat, for Christ's sake, I need help! My abdomen hurts a lot."

Stefani felt something wet her legs and when she pulled the sheet to see, noticed that the bed had blood.

"Oh my God, Stef, you're bleeding! I need to call an ambulance!"

Natali looked around the room for Stefani's cell phone. When she found it, she called the emergency service for help.

When she turned her gaze to her sister, she noticed that she was not moving, came closer and realized that Stefani had passed out.

"Stef, for God's sake, wake up! Talk to me, Stef, don't leave me here, please!"


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