Ch. 11 That wasn't...

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I spit out my tea.

"Sorry," I coughed, quickly wiping my mouth with a cloth. "Mitsuki, ma'am, what do you mean?" I squirmed a little, uncomfortable under her observation.

"Wait, don't tell me that Bakugou hasn't t-" she began as a set of wooden doors on the other side burst open, revealing Bakugou with a middle-aged man with brown hair.

"GREETINGS MOTHER!" Bakugou nearly shouted, a smile straining on his face as he pulled up a velvet chair beside me. The middle-aged man took a seat next to Mitsuki. I suspected he was Masaru Bakugou, Bakugou's father.

"Why, yesterday's events took for the worse, didn't they mother?" He asked as maids began to scurry around carrying plates of food. I couldn't help but stare at the dishes of lamb, steak, truffle and more. I was somewhat of a carnivore, to begin with, and the aromas that drifted around the table were too much for me to handle.

I looked at Mitsuki and then Masaru. Both of them exchanged glances at each other before Mitsuki started speaking again. "Katsuki-"

"Mother, no." Bakugou interrupted, his fist clenching the tablecloth slightly.

"No, honey, it's just that you need to tell him that-"

"NO! How many times do I have to repeat this mother? Do you think I would be risking it again? What, hand him over" Bakugou erupted, trailing off, fist banging on the table. Mitsuki quieted down.

"Sorry, mother and father. I got out of line." He muttered, lowering his head down.

Both Mitsuki and Masaru exchanged glances as if trying to tell each other something.

I didn't understand anything they said, but I was sure of one thing. This family was hiding something big from me. Part of me needed to know what, part of me feared my life. Everything was in the line of danger. Not knowing what to do in this awkward situation, I placed a hand on Bakugou's clenched fist.

"Bakugou, please. You're scaring everyone." I paused, wondering what would help him calm down more.

"Please calm down, you're scaring me," I said embarrassingly, glancing at the plates piled high with food. "Should we eat now?" I stated, trying to direct the heavy mood elsewhere.

As if to my rescue, Mitsuki awkwardly clapped her hands to signal the maids, as they scurried about, setting the plates and utensil. Then, they brought out the pots of steaming rice.

"Kirishima, even though we might seem intimidating, don't be scared. We also eat our meals through traditional family-style dining. I know you've been dying to try these meat dishes." she said, reading my mind. "Here." Mitsuki continued, reading my mind, placing large portions of steak and rice onto my plate. "I hope you don't mind the spice. Bakugou is a huge fan of Szechuan cuisine."

I smiled. Food was something that could brighten up a day, no matter what. I cast a side glance at Bakugou, who was already digging in, oblivious to the argument that happened earlier. Hesitantly, I stabbed a piece of steak and ate it, careful not to show any disrespect in manners.

My eyes immediately lit up.

"THIS IS AMAZING," I nearly shouted out, before covering my mouth. Before I could apologize, Bakugou muttered something inaudible,

"I'm glad you do. You'll be staying here for quite a while."

"Huh, Bakugou, what was that?" I inquired, cutting into another piece of steak.

"Nothing," Bakugou replied, taking a long sip of his glass.

"Some of the best grape juice in town." Mitsuki declared, answering the question that I was just about to ask.

Picking up my glass, I drank out of it.

Just as I was about to take another forkful of meat, the plate in front of me started to blur. Wait, something about that grape juice didn't taste right. Did I get drugged? With my rugged vision, I looked left and right, on to see the rest of the family eating. The room spun more as I felt a pang in my head.

"B-Bakugou? M-Mitsuki, ma'am, I..." I managed to utter out before darkness started to fade in. I saw Mitsuki cast a slight apologetic glance towards me. With the last sliver of my consciousness, I felt my body slump backward in its chair before everything closed in on me.


I stood in darkness.

Where was I?

Not again. I don't want any more uncertainty. Don't tell me those were fake smiles. Don't tell me they just wanted to comfort me before I died. I can't take any more lies. No. No. No.

In the distance, I see a silhouette. Could it be my parents and my sister again? I tried running forward. I wouldn't budge. I looked down at my feet, but all I could see was a void.

Let me go, I thought to whatever was holding me down as I tried lifting my leg. Stop, I screamed as I clawed at the void underneath me.

I need something I could believe.

Maybe, the reason behind Bakugou's sudden outbursts.

Or the meaning behind Mitsuki and Masaru's grim exchanges.

Maybe it can be my dream or Tomura Shigarki.

I wiped away the hot tears that started to form.

"Please listen. Whoever is watching me or controlling my life." I yelled out, choking on a sob. Have you been through my shoes? Endless encounters with death. My entire family, DEAD IN FRONT OF ME! Go ahead, say that this whole damn book is just angst with no meaning and scenes that you can't understand. Go ahead and say that I'm ignorant and stubborn and unbelievably stupid. Go ahead, and say that my f*cking life wasn't even supposed to be here!"

"Go ahead and say that the only use for me is my blood," I said coldly.

I turned around, staring straight into the eyes of a certain somebody.


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