Ch. 12 Torture

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Bakugou stood behind me, eyes cast downwards, fixed on the bottomless pit.

"I'm sorry." He began.

"Well, you should be. Please tell me this isn't another apology. I'm already gay." I retorted.

"I need to explain." He began again.

"What do you need to explain? Do you need to explain why I got whisked away from the church in front of everyone? Or, maybe, you feel the need to explain who the hell Tomura Shigaraki is. Ha, or, possibly, if you don't mind, why the heck was I drugged while I was trying to make the best of the situation?!?" I cut him off, laughing dryly.

"Mother didn't want to, but it's in the core of the family rules that an intensive background check is required. That's why you were drugged." He explained, starting to get frustrated with me.

"Wow," I exclaimed. "You sound like you are from the future." I had a feeling that I was pushing in dangerous territory, but I brushed it off.

"I'm not like the other vampires."

"Yeah, I can tell. I'm sure your special."

"Jesu-PLEASE! I'm wrong. I'm wrong; I know it's wrong. Please for once, I know I forced you here against your will, I know I got angry at you for no reason. I know that you are so confused, tired, and done.  Please give me a few minutes."

I looked at his face. Pain streaked across his features as he looked me in the eye. I just can't no matter how much I hated him right now, say no. I stayed silent, allowing Bakugou to continue.

"You know how much hate vampires receive. I understand, most of are comparable to sh*t. Well, you must imagine the dangers of the 'royal family.' Well, a while back, there was a man by the name of All For One. He doesn't die. You might recognize him because he has a notorious record of murdering past heirs to the vampire family."

Horror crossed my face as the implications sank in.

"Well, when I was around five, I was kidnapped. Not peacefully by chloroform or a drug. All for one's thugs made sure to beat me unconscious first. Then, I was dragged towards who knows where to go to stage two; torture. I sat in front of him and a kid. Guess who that kid was." I shook my head, unable to register everything.

"Tomura Shigaraki. He was still little then, roughly a few years older and we are, but he watched with sparkling eyes. They were so close to decapitating me if it weren't for..." he sighed heavily, looking at his own calloused hands, "All Might." Bakugou hung his head, looking at the floor.

"One for All against All for One?" I gaped.

"It didn't end well for either of them. That's partly the reason why All Might is the way he is right now. I couldn't; I was afraid that you were going to experience the same thing." Bakugou paused, exhaling.

"The truth is, I can't drink human blood."


"I can only drink the blood of other vampires and," he closed eyes and mumbled, "dragons."

"What. You're kidding me. Why? How...?" I asked, suddenly curious. Bakugou was about to reply when there was a loud bam, and everything went black again.

"HOLY-" I yelled as I sat straight up. My bones crackled as I stretched, wincing as my back strained against me. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in another bedroom, but this one was different. It had posters of All-Might, decorated with fire-like ornaments and red velvet curtains. There was a desk in the corner with a picture of something. It was too far for me to see.

There was a single knock on the door before Shoji entered. He bowed and announced that Bakugou was coming in.

"What I said was true," he said automatically when he first met my eyes.

"I understand," I said, shifting uncomfortably in the bed.

"I will erase everyone's memories. I'll remove whatever trace of the church incident from the public. Continue to go to school. Please understand that I still need you to be by my side for now. I promise to tell you when it's right."

He sighed, walking towards a closet. "It's well past midnight; get some sleep. Tomorrow, after school, you can go to your friend Denki's home to get your belongings." Bakugou took off his coat, and then his shirt right after, in front of me. He motioned me to scoot over as he settled in next to me on the bed.

"Just for today," he murmured already falling asleep, "it's my room, by the way."

"No homo," he added right after.

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