1. Safe?

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The familiar voice of Jaine had awoken Mince from his nightmare as he had wildly looked around, still panicking.

"Jeez, how many times are you going to have that nightmare?" Jaine responded to Mince's panic with a bit of a chuckle.

Mince was breathing in a bit of a heavy fear, still unsure whether he was awake or not while he was still regaining his consciousness.

Jaine lightly flicked him on the forehead, confirming that Mince was indeed, awake. "You're awake," Jaine got up, "and I made breakfast for the two of us, so hurry up before it gets cold!"

And with that, Jaine had left the room. Mince sat up, holding the spot on his forehead that Jaine had flicked. "...Ow."

Some years had passed since Mince and Jaine had left the horrible place that was like a prison, a lab in which they were seen as nothing. Nothing but experiments.

Kira, a friend of theirs that they had made during their time at the prison-like lab, had helped the two escape...at the cost of herself being captured yet again.

Mince yawned and sat up in his bed, remembering some of the past events that he had been through for a few minutes. His thoughts had been interupted by Jaine's call.

"Mince, come on! I'm still waiting, and if you don't hurry up, I'll eat your freaking breakfast!"

That was more than enough to snap Mince out of his trance of mind.

Sighing as he got up, Mince shook his head, trying to clear it. "Alright Mince Vearcalt, just wake up, it was a dream." He threw off his pjs onto his bed, which was pretty messy from him thrashing around in a half asleep panic, and grabbed some of the clothes that he only wore around the house for lazy days.

And finally, he left his room to meet Jaine in the living room.

Jaine had looked over from the couch he was sitting on, "Oh finally! The princess is done from her beauty sleep I take it?"

Whenever Jaine had refered to Mince as a princess, it usually was him screwing around with Mince, as Mince very much hated the nickname.

"I'm not a princess, Jaine. Plus, I'm a guy, so I don't even know how that would work."

"Well I mean, guys can be princesses too!~"

Knowing him, Mince figured that he was probably making an excuse to call himself fabulous or something again.


"Jaine I'm a guy, I can't be a princess!" He knows I don't like being called that.

"You sure 'bout that?" He joked.

"Yes I'm sure!" He knows that I hate being called "princess", so he always calls me that as a tease. Besides, he acts like more of a princess than I do. I take my seat beside him as he browses through several shows in search of something to watch, we had a conversation in the process. I tried bringing up cartoons, but Jaine refused.

"Well I just wanted to bring something up!" I said, taking a pillow into my hands as I smacked Jaine's head with it. "Ha!"

He noticed that it was coming too late to avoid it. "Ack!" He slid off the couch, coming back up with a fallen pillow in hand, "I'll get you for that!"

I jumped off the couch before he struck me with his pillow. "You'll never catch me alive!" This resulted in a later pillow war with us running around the house and attacking each other. It was awesome!

The day's end had come way sooner than the both of us had thought, we were playing for about the whole day. And well, we also ate a bunch of chips. We ended up falling asleep on the couch watching cartoons.

Ha, take that Jaine! I win!

But by then, I had another dream...

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