Chapter Seven

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•Sal's POV•

Third period for me was gym. At the old high school I used to go to, gym wasn't a requirement, but here, it apparently is, which is bullshit. Thankfully the health portion of "health & P.E" is already over. Our instructor, a fresh-out-of-college woman we called Miss Johanna, told us, and I quote "You guys are high schoolers. I'm sure you already know what sex is like. I'm not going to lecture you and say abstinence is realistic in any way. So let's just get this over with." So she literally did it the first week of the semester teaching sex education as an ice breaker. Personally, I wasn't a fan of Miss Johanna, simply for the reason she was good at her job. There was no day when I would get to just sit down and chill; I would constantly have to be on my feet throwing some kind of stupid ball around. I'm just not a huge fan of physical activity in general. Or uniforms; uniforms are pretty much bullshit.

In gym, we had to wear basketball shorts and a tee. According to some, the teacher before Miss Johanna made the students pay for IDENTICAL uniforms. Thankfully, Miss Johanna just says the shorts and a tee, not color specific or anything.  I literally was the last person to get to the gym, so I had the changing room to myself. I put on a black tee, and some baggy red shorts.

"Alright, how is everyone doing today?" Miss Johanna questions, going over the names on her clipboard. I barley made it back to the main part of the gym as she called my name. I waved lightly, and she acknowledged me.

"I've got a treat for you guys today" Miss Johanna smiles, her straight white teeth gleaming. Oh no, for the love of god, don't let it be-


FUCK. Why does this game even exist?

"I believe we should do a little girls versus boys extravaganza" Miss Johanna chuckles.

"But wait, we're one person short" a girl says from the left side of the gym.

"Not if I play, silly!" she laughs "alright, lay out the balls on the half court line, and I'll blow the whistle and we'll begin."

The girls begin lying the red rubber balls on the line. I just try my best to stay in the very back behind all the really competitive people. A perk of being small is that I can just hide in the back when it comes to these aggressive sports and no one has any idea I exist.

The whistle blows, and I panic. The boys and girls charge toward the center of the gym, and I just stay in the back and flinch.

"Come on, Sally Face" I barley hear. I peer over my shoulder to see Travis. I'm surprised he's not up front; he's usually one of the most competitive people in here.

"No thanks, I'd rather dodge than throw" I chuckle awkwardly.

"Ah, why not? Try something new for a change!" Travis pauses, attempting to smile at me. Travis is frowning so often that seeing him attempt to smile is very strange.

"I mean, okay..." I trail off. A red rubber ball flies by my head.

I hide behind taller people until I get close to a ball. I run out and grab it, and barley miss another one being hurled at me. Weakly, I toss the ball and actually hit one of the most competitive girls in the class.

"Good-wait a second. Who threw the ball that got me out?" She questions loudly. Everyone that had balls in their hands didn't dare to throw them while she spoke.

"It was the one in the mask up front" her best friend points at me. I slowly raise my hand and chuckle awkwardly.

"Are you telling me I got out by THAT weirdo?!" She stomps loudly, echoing through the gym.

"Get over yourself, Sarah" I hear Travis yell, coming up behind me "this is probably the first time he's even thrown the ball in a game, just let it go."

"Why are you standing up for him? Cause his best friend kicked your ass?" the girl, I'm assuming her name is Sarah, questions with a smirk. Oh god, I doubt this is going to go well.

"Sarah, that's enough" Miss Johanna says quietly.

"No, it's not! It's the truth" she glares back at Travis "you gonna say anything?"

At that moment, Travis throws a ball he had behind him directly at her best friend, and hits her directly in the face.

"Oh shit" I whisper. Sarah's best friend begins crying really hard. Miss Johanna and Sarah rush to her side.

"Travis. Office. Now."

"I was just playing the game" Travis rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, and in the game there is a strict no face rule, and you just broke that rule" Miss Johanna pauses "I think you broke her nose."

"Yeah, well, she deserved it!" he yells, backing away slowly. 

"What did I do?!" 

"You ALL deserve it!" he yells "ESPECIALLY you, Sally Face." Travis squints at me, and pushes me to the floor. 

"Fuck you more than anyone here." 

"NOW, Travis" Miss Johanna yells "don't make me escort you." 

He mocks her as he walks out the doors of the gym. What the fuck was that about? Like, at first he was defending me which was cool, but then out of fucking nowhere he just chucks a ball at an innocent girls' nose? Then says that's what we all deserve? He's just so moody constantly, who knows what to think. 

Miss Johanna and Sarah walk her friend to a bench, and give her some gauze for her bleeding nose. 

"Now" Miss Johanna says hastily "where were we?" 

I know this is a short chapter, but I thought that it would be nice to have a short one every now and then. Hope you guys are enjoying this!

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